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作者(外文):Tseng, Huan Chun
論文名稱(外文):The Strategy of Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) and Build to Order (BTO) : A case study of a networking company “A”
指導教授(外文):Hung, Shih Chang
口試委員(外文):Chen,Chung Jen
Lin, Bou Wen
外文關鍵詞:Five forces analysisCompetitive advantageSupply chain managementProduction-marketing coordinationCase study research
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:232
  • 評分評分:*****
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Networking equipment manufacturers in Taiwan have been seeking a new strategy under the global and domestic competition. The business strategy has evolved from original equipment manufacturing (OEM) to the optimization of supply chain management and production-marketing coordination in order to gain highest benefit.
This research aims to study a case of the production-marketing coordination of the company which the research works for in the face of demand change of a customer by referring to the literature regarding competition strength and strategy management and employing Michael Eugene Porter’s five forces model of competition to discover the competition strategy models. After reviewing the market status, five forces model and SWOT model were employed to compare the strengths of among the domestic networking equipment manufacturers and to discover the opportunities so as to propose the suggestion for the studied case based on its competition advantage.

The essential strengths of the case are: innovation, cost control, quality management and customer relationship which are materialized by launching new products in time to gain the strengths; managing supply chain globally to decrease customers' inventory cost and increase the flexibility of logistics; creating high customization and differentiation to provide high value-added service to the customer.
第一章 前 言 1
第一節 問題描述 1
第二章 文獻回顧 4
第一節 競爭策略五力分析 4
1.供應商的議價能力(Bargaining Power of Suppliers) 5
2.購買者的議價能力 (Bargaining Power of Buyers) 5
3.潛在競爭者進入的能力(Threat of New Entrants) 5
4.替代品的替代能力 (Substitutes) 6
5.行業內競爭者的競爭能力 (Rivalry) 6
第二節 SWOT分析 8
第三節 供應鏈庫存管理模型 11
1、VMI(供應商管理庫存) 11
2、JMI(聯合庫存管理) 11
3.CPFR(共同預測、計劃與補給) 13
第四節 產銷模式 15
1. BTF模式 15
2. BTO模式 15
3. CTO模式 16
第三章 網通產業探討 17
第一節 網路通訊產業概況 17
1. 產業之現況與發展 17
2. 產品之各種發展趨勢及競爭情形 20
第二節 市場分析 24
1. 個案公司主要產品之銷售地區 24
2. 市場占有率及市場未來之供需狀況與成長性 24
3. 競爭利基及發展遠景之有利、不利因素與因應對策 26
第四章 個案公司案例討論 30
第一節 公司背景 30
第二節 長短期業務發展計劃 31
1. 短期發展計劃 31
2. 長期發展計劃 32
第三節 問題分析 33
1. 競爭五力分析 36
2. SWOT分析 40
3. BTF與BTO的比較分析 42
4. 個案公司VMI策略分析 44
第五章 結論與建議 46
參考文獻 49
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