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作者(外文):Fushing Lai
論文名稱(中文):對應紅色供應鏈強勢崛起可行策略分析— 以台灣LED上游產業晶電為例
論文名稱(外文):The strategy to response to China's challenge in supply chain-using LED EPI manufacture company Epistar as example
指導教授(外文):Shih-Chang Hung
口試委員(外文):Yung-Ching Tseng
Bou-Wen Lin
外文關鍵詞:LEDChina Supply ChainCore CompetenceNew Emerging MarketStrategy
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  • 評分評分:*****
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本研究之緣起於台灣面對近年大陸紅色供應鏈之快速崛起,及由於大陸政府政策補貼所造成不完全公平競爭。研究者以台灣LED上游產業為例,從LED產業狀況收集開始,尤其著重於財務表現及外部影響力,比如政府政策影響。策略方面其中多所引用策略大師 Michael Porter 的論述, 以及綜和各業界專家、先進及學者的看法,再加以研究者在業界的實際參與及觀察,加以歸納整理出可行策略。以期能有微薄貢獻於台灣LED上游產業所面臨之挑戰,走出台灣"四大慘業" ,及對其它也受紅色供應鏈威脅之產業做為參考。
台灣LED 產業能在過去20多年來快速的成長,歸功於國際上因應地球暖化所衍生出對綠能產業的迫切需求,已及產、官、學共同的努力與合作。然而目前台灣此產業必須面對的困境及挑戰,一方面是國際大廠的壓迫,尤其是專利方面,以日亞(Nichia) ,Philips,OSRAM,Cree等為代表,另一方面則有大陸廠商的追趕,尤其是大陸政府在十二五計畫明訂下,將LED列為重點計畫產業,以政策補貼方式大力扶植本地廠商,加以有著龐大內需市場支撐. 在這樣雙重夾擊 之下,導致台灣的LED產業面臨嚴峻的挑戰。本研究從台灣LED上游晶粒產業領導廠商角度來探討,在面臨世界大廠及中國大陸之夾擊下,驥能研究出可行突圍策略來持續公司成長。並綜合出以下建議策略:
1. 人才留、訓 :以強化研發能力及產品組合 並加速新產品研發。
2. 垂直整合及品牌策略:向下整合接近到終端產品,如LED燈泡,燈具等。
3. 藍海產品策略:開發有核心優勢新領域產品如寬能隙電力電子產品(Power Device),代表廠商如 Transform、Cree、Infineon等。
4. 強化新興市場如印度、蘇俄等。
5. 轉進策略:最後如果已確定並無法取勝僅徒浩資源,則建議斷然採用競合策略- 將已經或即將是完全紅海的產品部門切割、賣掉,保留資源到有潛力、核心能力的領域。
The origin of this research was according to the rapidly rising challenging from China's manufactures to Taiwan's , this was due to China government's subsidies policy to cause the unfair competition. The author uses Taiwan's LED upstream industry as the example of research, firstly from collecting the LED industry status ,especially the financial outcome & external impact such as Government policy. For the Strategy aspect, applying lots theories from Michael Porter plus studies from other experts in LED industry to summarize out some workable strategies, hope it could provide some small helps to Taiwan's LED upstream companies to react the challenges to walk away from so-call "Taiwan's 4 most painful industries" situation, and also hope to provide some inspiration to other industries that facing similar big challenging from China's.
Taiwan's Led industry has a dramatically growth in the past 2 more decades owing to Global warming's enabling the imperative needs of Green energy & the cooperation between industry, Government & research institutions. However, nowadays Taiwan's LED industry faces difficulties & challenges one site from international tier 1 companies especially in IP (Intellectual Property Rights) such as Nichia, Philips,OSRAM,Cree etc., the other site from China's chasing , especially via nutrition from China Government's subsides policy in their 12th 5 year plan that LED industry became one of the strategy industry, plus China's huge local market, thus Taiwan LED industry faces severe challenges. This research stands on view of the leading company of Taiwan LED Chip company to study that under Tier 1& China's both challenges how to find workable strategies to continually grow. and list the suggested strategies as bellows:
1. Talent staff keeping & training: to strengthen R&D , product combination & speeding the new product developing.
2.Vertical integration & branding strategy: like LED lighting, LED fixtures.
3."Blue sea" product strategy: To develop new product categories from the same core competence,like Wide band gap device( Power Device ), the famous companies such as Transphorm, Cree、Infineon etc.
4.To enter New Emerging countries such as India, Russia
5. Splitting strategy: at last, if the product lines are in so-called Red-sea competition with benefit, then it will be suggested to split the departments either to sell or close, in order to reserve the resource to potential & with core competence fields.
摘要 I
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究流程 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
第一節 核心競爭力,五力分析,SWOT及競合策略模型 4
第二節 LED 簡介及產業沿革 8
第三節 市場現況,未來趨勢 10
第三章 研究問題 32
第一節 問題一:世界大廠壓迫 32
第二節 問題二:大陸追趕-政府政策補助/內需市場加持/惡性挖角 33
第三節 問題三:LED售價以及毛利每一季快速下滑 35
第四章 個案分析 37
第一節 Philips& OSRAM 分拆之個案分析 37
第二節 晶電(EPISTAR)/億光(EVERLIGHT)之個案分析 39
第三節 三安之個案分析 52
第四節 解決策略 58
第五章 結論與建議 63
第一節 研究結論 63
第二節 研究貢獻 66
第三節 策略實務意涵 66
參考文獻 67

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