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作者(外文):CHENG, I NIN
論文名稱(中文):資產證券化在太陽能發電事業融資之應用-以SolarCity 為例
論文名稱(外文):The Application of Securitization to Financing Solar Energy Industry A Case Study on SolarCity
指導教授(外文):Lyu, Jye-Cheng
Lin, Che Chun
外文關鍵詞:SecuritizationFinancial Assets MarketsStrategies SolarCityPV installation Taiwan Solar industry
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太陽能發電系統(PV)這個議題伴隨全球能源問題,常常以替代能源姿態被討論。台灣早已發展成為世界製造太陽能電池主要國家之一。United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) 執行主任施泰納(Achim Steiner)表示,「在全球能源結構中,目前再生能源已是不可或缺的選項」,且隨著太陽能市場、技術逐漸成熟、成本逐漸下滑,加上全球對碳排放量管控越趨嚴格的情況下,太陽能發電的重要性將會日益提升。
本研主要以瞭解太陽能產業發展趨勢,探討全球太陽能產業籌資方式SolarCity 採用資產證券化方式來進行籌資,在美國成功發展並創造爆炸性的成長,給全市界其他開發中或者已開發國家帶來無限想像。對太陽能業者而言,SolarCity 新的商業模式及融資模式是否值得成台灣業者作為參考借鏡,成為業界的討論議題。
Global warming and energy independence are problems of this century which many countries have been trying to resolve. Being a clean energy, solar power is the key project for many countries, where the governments establish “Feed-in Tariff, FIT) to promote solar power’s construction. With increasing market demand, solar power industry has been booming for several years.
The Solar Photovoltaic industry is still emerging industry. Many governments have developed Solar Photovoltaic incentive policies to stimulate the growth of this industry. Due to rising and fluctuant energy prices, solar power plants are favored in many countries. Meanwhile, financial institutions have started financing the solar power plants through securitization. This will help not only to reduce the construction cost but also enhance its liquidity.
With the situation having changed rapidly, solar cell manufacturers in Taiwan are forced to consider the possibility of producing outside Taiwan, establishing strategic alliance to find the solution of improving solar cell efficiency, and boarding the distribution, and leveraging the source of finance. "This transaction is a breakthrough and will pave the way for others, but its greater significance is the validation of the quality of SolarCity's assets," said Bob Kelly, SolarCity's chief financial officer. The present study explores the SolarCity’s new business and financing module, securitization which gives SolarCity access to a new source of capital at a lower cost.
With the induction of strategies of SolarCity's full-service model—including design and installation process and quality, system performance against forecasts, servicing standards, procedures and history, solar cell manufacturers in Taiwan may consider the possibility of securitization in Taiwan.. Finally, the research utilizes the SOWT to analyze the value of adopting the securitization strategies for the Solar Photovoltaic industry in Taiwan.
摘要 ............................................................... i
致謝 ............................................................. iii
圖目錄 ............................................................. v
第一章 緒論 ........................................................ 2
1.1 研究背景 .................................................................................................. 2
1.2 研究動機 .................................................................................................. 3
1.3 研究目的 .................................................................................................. 4
第二章 文獻探討 ................................................... 5
2.1 資產證券化 .............................................................................................. 5
2.2 不動產證券化投資信託 ......................................................................... 17
2.3 台灣資產證券化相關問題 ..................................................................... 21
第三章 研究方法 .................................................. 22
3.1 研究方法 ................................................................................................ 22
3.2 研究架構圖 ............................................................................................ 24
第四章 太陽能產業分析 ............................................ 25
4.1 太陽能產業說明 .................................................................................... 25
4.2 太陽能光電市場動態 ............................................................................. 29
4.3 太陽能發電系統說明 ............................................................................. 37
4.4 台灣太陽能產業規模及現況 ................................................................. 41
第五章 太陽能發電系統融資探討 .................................... 45
5.1 太陽能發電系統建置 ............................................................................. 45
5.2 太陽能發電系統財務評估 ..................................................................... 47
5.3 美國太陽發電系統資產證券化案例研究 .............................................. 56
第六章 研究結論與建議 ............................................ 67
6.1 研究結論 ................................................................................................ 67
6.2 未來研究建議 ........................................................................................ 71
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