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作者(外文):Wang, Cheng-Yin
論文名稱(外文):Effects and outcomes of virtual teams under different types of leadership: A case study of WOW teams
指導教授(外文):Hsieh, Ying-Che
外文關鍵詞:Virtual teamLeadershipMMORPGs
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  • 評分評分:*****
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Internet has changed our life since 1990, including the way we work, play, and communicate. It came out with a concept of “virtual team” in 1993, because of the need for war. Virtual team breaks the limitation of time and space. People can work with each other through internet, no matter when, where, and who. For traditional face-to-face teams, those researches are quite mature, since lots of researcher had worked on it for a long time. But virtual is a new type of team working. The elements in such team can be totally different from the regular one. Especially the leadership, because there are more factors should be consider and the members’ behaviors can be lot more different from normal. Virtual team can be very complicated, because there are too many things involved. The research will based on the Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game to check how the leadership work in virtual teams. The game requires players to complete the mission together, and it can be easier for the research, compare with the commercial virtual teams. This research will divide players into four groups by “pressure level” and “involve level”, and observe the interaction in different types of group. The interviews are for everyone in the groups, because the team working is not just about the leaders or specific person in the team. After those interviews from various players involved, it will classify those data, and come out some solutions or suggestions for those teams. It could help team leaders to see the pros and cons for their teams. Also, for those team mates can realize the characteristics of those groups, and find an appropriate team to work with. Besides, it might be helpful for us to understand how this efficient thing work in our life.
Table of Contents
Chapter1. Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Questions and Objectives 1
1.3 Structure of the Dissertation 2
Chapter2. Literature Review 4
2.1 Motivations in the virtual world 4
2.2 Leadership in MMORPGs 5
2.3 Socio-emotional and Task Communication in MMORPGs 5
2.4 Global Virtual Team Dynamics and Effectiveness 5
2.5 Chapter Summary 6
Chapter3. Research Methodology 7
3.1 Research Objective and conceptual framework 7
3.2 Philosophical Stance 7
3.3 Selection of Research Method 8
3.4 Research Design 9
3.4.1 Research Process 9
3.4.2 Data Collection 10
Chapter4. Case Study 13
Case1. High pressure and low involvement 13
Case2. Low pressure and low involvement 15
Case3. High pressure and high involvement 17
Case4. Low pressure and high involvement 19
Chapter5. Conclusion 22
5.1 Major Research Findings 22
5.2 Contribution to Theory 23
5.3 Research Limitations 23
5.4 Future Research 23
Reference 24
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