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作者(外文):Lin, Yu Hsiang
論文名稱(外文):Generation and Analysis of Dual-Peaked Laser Spectral Compression Using a Dispersion-Increasing Fiber
指導教授(外文):Huang, Chen Bin
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  • 點閱點閱:75
  • 評分評分:*****
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Femtosecond lasers and optical supercontinua offer wide optical bandwidths but at the same time suffer from low spectral brightness. One solution is to perform external laser spectral compression. Our approach for spectral compression is using a linear ramp dispersion-increasing fiber (DIF), which is reverse processes of adiabatic soliton temporal compression.
However, to date, laser spectral compressions have been limited in generating a single output spectrally compressed peak. We demonstrate the generation of spectrally compressed spectrum with dual peaks. Moreover, the relative amplitudes and wavelengths of the two spectral peaks are adjustable through the average power, input pulse chirp condition. The experimental results are compared to simulations and are found in excellent agreements.
Chapter 1序論
1.1 前言
1.2 研究背景與動機
Chapter 2光頻譜壓縮雙峰產生之理論模擬
2.1 光孤子特性
2.1.1 色散效應 (Dispersion)
2.1.2 非線性效應-自相位調變 (Self-Phase Modulation, SPM)
2.1.3 光孤子的產生與特性
2.1.4 數值模擬方法-分步傅立葉法(Split-step Fourier method, SSFM)
2.2 絕熱系統的脈衝與頻譜壓縮
2.2.1 絕熱系統的光孤子脈衝壓縮
2.2.2 絕熱系統的光孤子頻譜壓縮
2.3 色散補償光纖 (Dispersion Compensating Fiber, DCF)
2.4 頻譜壓縮雙峰之產生與特性分析
Chapter 3 光頻譜壓縮雙峰產生之實驗
3.1 短脈衝鎖模光纖雷射實驗架構與結果
3.2 大頻寬飛秒雷射頻譜壓縮實驗架構與結果
3.3 結論
Chapter 4 未來展望
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