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作者(外文):Tsai, Shin Chieh
論文名稱(外文):Reverse Engineering of Parallel Program Behavior from Execution Traces
指導教授(外文):King, Chung Ta
外文關鍵詞:Reverse EngineeringParallel ProgramExecution Trace
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  • 點閱點閱:102
  • 評分評分:*****
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在本碩士論文中,我們提出了一個新的方法,利用執行軌跡來推導平行程式的行為,並以軌跡衍生之有限狀態機 (TD-FSM)來表示。TD-FSM 不僅能以一種非常簡潔的方式展示整個程式的執行行為,也能夠有效的壓縮執行軌跡以降低檔案儲存大小和傳送時間。壓縮後的TD-FSM可以利用一個還原重現的機制,再重現一與原執行軌跡非常相似的重現軌跡,可應用於效能分析和平行程式最佳化等後續研究。最後,根據我們的實驗結果顯示,TD-FSM 相對於原始軌跡資訊可以有效減少99%的儲存空間,且仍然保存程式行為特性。
With the advance of technology, the growing number of processors and increasing computational complexity of programs have raised the degree of difficulty in fully understanding the behavior of the whole program. Such an understanding is invaluable for research such as computer architecture design, program debugging and optimizations, protocol verification and testing, etc. A viable solution to the problem is to extract the program execution traces to observe the program behavior. The challenge is how to deduce meaningful structures and patterns from the massive trace information to represent program behavior in a concrete way. Parallel programs make this even more difficult because of the complex interactions between the multiple threads of executions. It is thus necessary to develop more efficient solutions capturing the complicated parallel program behaviors from the massive and seemingly unstructured execution traces.
This thesis presents a new approach to deducing the parallel program behavior by processing the program execution traces to derive a trace-derived finite state machine (TD-FSM). With TD-FSM, it is possible to show the program behavior in a very concise fashion. TD-FSM can also effectively compress the execution traces to reduce the trace size for ease of storage and transportation. If coupled with a replay method, it can further reproduce execution traces that are very similar to the original traces, for such applications as performance analysis and parallel program optimization. Our evaluations show that TD-FSM can reduce the trace size by 99%, achieving a compression rate compatible with popular compression algorithms and at the same time maintaining the program behavior.
1 Introduction 1
2 Related Work 5
2.1 NetworkProtocolReverseEngineering 5
2.2 SoftwareEngineering 6
2.3 Summary 7
3 Methodology 9
3.1 OverviewoftheFramework 9
3.2 TraceRecording 11
3.3 TD-FSMGenerating 12
3.3.1 TraceStructureExtraction 12
3.3.2 TD-FSMDerivation 15
3.4 TraceReplaying 16
3.5 ComputationalComplexity 18
3.5.1 Computational Complexity of Trace Structure Extraction Algorithm 19
3.5.2 Computational Complexity of TD-FSM Derivation Algorithm 20
4 Evaluation 22
4.1 ExperimentalSetup 22
4.2 ExperimentalResults 23
4.2.1 StorageSpaceOverhead 23
4.2.2 SimilarityComparison 27
5 Conclusion 37
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