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論文名稱(中文):於推特上偵測精神疾病: 躁鬱症與邊緣性人格障礙
論文名稱(外文):Mental Disorder Detection on Twitter: Bipolar Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder
指導教授(外文):Chen, Yi-Shin
口試委員(外文):Huang, Yang-Ming
Huang, Tsung-Ren
外文關鍵詞:Mental DisorderSentiment Analysis
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根據統計, 在美國有18\%的人受精神疾病所苦, 精神疾病如同其他疾病一樣危及人們健康而且是需要被迫切解決的問題
隨著社群網站成為我們生活的一部分, 有許學者開始從資料科學的角度, 利用社群網站上豐富的資料來分析精神疾病, 並建立預測模型來偵測潛在的患者
在本研究中, 我們提出了一個可以有效蒐集患者資料的方法, 並利用情感分析技術來建立一個有效偵測患者的預測模型
我們提出的方法適用於各種精神疾病, 本研究則專注兩項有代表性的疾病: 躁鬱症以及邊緣性人格障礙
Mental disorders are currently affecting millions
of people – both offline and online – across the globe. The
challenge of mental disorders in general is that they are difficult
to detect on suffering patients. Conversely, someone can also
be misdiagnosed of having one type of mental illness when in
actuality they are suffering from another form of mental health
problem. In this paper, we aim at building a predictive model that
leverages language and behavioral patterns, used particularly
in social media, to determine whether a user is suffering from
two cases of mental disorder, namely Borderline Personality
Disorder (BPD) and Bipolar Disorder (Bipolar). This predictive model
is made possible by employing an effective data collection process,
coined as subconscious crowdsourcing, that helps to collect a
faster and more reliable dataset of patients, which is one of
the areas of improvement in this field of study. We also adopt
linguistic features used in previous several works and build on
top of those to improve the results obtained by our classification
model. Additionally, we apply sentiment analysis to foster further
understanding of a user’s emotional state with respect to a
mental disorder. Our experiments suggest that extracting specific
language patterns and social interaction features from reliable
patient datasets can greatly contribute to further analysis and
detection of mental disorders.
摘要: i
Abstract: ii
Acknowledgement: iii
List of Tables: viii
List of Figures: ix
1. Introduction: 1
2. Related Work: 4
3. Method: 8
3.1 Data Collecting: 9
3.2 Preprocessing: 10
3.3 Feature Extraction: 11
3.4 Classifier Training and Evaluation: 13
4. Experiment: 15
4.1 Data: 15
4.2 Prediction Performance: 16
4.3 Selection Bias Test: 18
4.4 Limited Tweets Test: 18
5. Demonstration: 20
6. Conclusion and Discussion: 22
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