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作者(外文):Otoniel Campos
論文名稱(中文):Haiku Generation Using Differential Evolution Genetic Algorithms with an Emphasis on Surprise
指導教授(外文):Soo, Von Wun
口試委員(外文):Chen, Yi Shin
中文關鍵詞:HaikuDifferential EvolutionGenetic AlgorithmsConceptNet
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  • 評分評分:*****
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Haiku generation, a subset of poetry generation, requires creativity, imagination and commonsense to produce high quality products. Humans possess the inherent ability to both produce and appreciate this, and any other form of art. They can instantly differentiate what is human made from what is not. The focus of this study is not to deal with the problem if computers can appreciate poetry (haikus), but rather if computers can produce poetry that can persuade humans to think they were made by another human being. To tackle this problem we use ConceptNet [1] [2], a multilingual knowledge base, which is conformed of nodes that contain words and phrases curated by people. These nodes have a common-sense relationship between them. We use this relationship to construct our haikus. Then, we developed a customized differential evolution genetic algorithm to improve the quality of these haikus. Finally, we ran a Turing test among a group of people to evaluate the quality of our haikus. Results from this test indicate machine-made haikus are of lesser quality compared to their human counterparts. However, an important proportion of machine generated haikus tended to confuse humans; and even obtained higher rating and surprise scores than their counterparts.
1. Introduction 1
2. Background 3
2.1 Haiku 3
2.2 ConceptNet 4
2.3 Differential Evolution Algorithms 10
2.4 NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit) 14
3. Related Work 17
3.1 Automatic Haiku Generation Using VSM 17
3.2 Gaiku: Generating Haiku with Word Associations Nouns 19
4. Model 21
4.1 Generate random haikus 22
4.2 Dimensions 24
4.3 Crossover 28
4.4 Mutation 32
5. Implementation 35
5.1 Random haiku generation process (Random Population) 35
5.2 Random haiku generation process (Random Population) 37
5.3 Differential Evolution 38
5.4 Mutation 39
5.5 Haiku Implementation 40
6. Analysis 41
7. Conclusions 47
8. Future Work 48
9. Bibliography 49
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