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作者(外文):Hsiao, Fan Kai
論文名稱(外文):Automatic Album Summarization Based on 4W: Who, When, Where, and What
指導教授(外文):Lin, Chia Wen
口試委員(外文):Hsu, Chiou Ting
Cheng, Wen Huang
Hu, Min Chun
外文關鍵詞:Album summarizationAlbum analysisImage recommendation
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  • 評分評分:*****
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  由於我們目標為以觀看者為出發點的個人化相簿摘要,於第二步驟中,我們以觀看者為輸入,利用已建立之角色社群矩陣,可計算出觀看者與相簿中他人之間之互動程度。以人為出發點,並結合其餘事件、地點、景象結構,我們設計了最佳化公式,以貪婪式演算法 (Greedy Algorithm) 求解。使得摘要選擇時能同時考慮到人事時地因素,並根據觀看者不同,產生最佳的摘要結果。
In this paper, we present an automatic personal album summarization system. Given a query viewer, the proposed method combines 4W: who, when, where, and what to calculate the optimization function and output the summary.
Our method includes two parts: the first part is the album structure extraction. We extract following structures: for “who” is in the album, we use the correlation between the characters, calculate the correlation matrix and the appearance frequency. Furthermore, we combine the community detection to find close relationship. “When” were the photos taken helps to split the time events. “Where” were the photos taken can be extract from GPS which helps maintain the diversity of geolocation. The last one is “what” the image contents are about. The image contents are analyzed by the local and global features, which form the hierarchical structures named shots and scenes in the album. In the second part of the method, given viewer query, we combine 4W and design an optimization function. Solving the optimization function by greedy algorithm, we can get the summary result which is depended on who the viewer is.
We build the online album viewing system, model how user used to view the album. The experiment is evaluated by the subjective assessment. We let the viewer input who he/she is, system shows the corresponding results. The experiment results show the effectiveness of the proposed method personal album summary. Compare to other methods, ours can let viewers understand more about the album content and is preferable by viewers.
摘要 2
Abstract 3
Content 4
Chapter 1 Introduction 5
1.1 Research Background and Motivation 5
1.2 Research Objective 7
1.3 Thesis Organization 8
Chapter 2 Related Work 10
2.1 Visual summarization Approach 10
2.2 Personal Album Summarization Approach 12
Chapter 3 Proposed Method 15
3.1 Overview 15
3.2 Album Structure Extraction 15
3.3 The Photo Selection Algorithm 23
Chapter 4 Experiments and Discussion 28
4.1 Data Set and Environment Setting 28
4.2 Subjective Assessment 29
4.3 Discussion 35
Chapter 5 Conclusion 36
Reference 37
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