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作者(外文):Huang,Chuan Chi
論文名稱(中文):De-Identification: 找出最小k-anonymity的高效演算法
論文名稱(外文):De-Identification: Efficient algorithm to find minimal k-anonymity
指導教授(外文):Huang,Chih Hao
中文關鍵詞:De-identificationk-anonymityminimal generalizationgeneralization
外文關鍵詞:De-identificationk-anonymityminimal generalizationgeneralization
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  • 評分評分:*****
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而防止受害者被重新辨識的方法,稱為De-identification。k-anonymity即為一個有效防止連結攻擊的方法之一。並且利用generalization或suppression來確保每一個受害者都無法從k個裡辨識出來。在此論文中,我們會探討什麼是k-anonymity,並且再依Samarati提出的minimal generalization的定義來找出minimal generalization。我們會介紹由X. SUN 提出的Hash-based algorithm,並且提出一個不僅能改善效能還可以增加彈性的新的演算法來找出minimal generalization以達到k-anonymity。
Nowadays, data collection is an ongoing process, so personal privacy becomes more and more important. We need to publish data for purposes such as public health and demographic research. And some attributes which can clearly be used to identify individuals (such as name and medical record ID) are generally removed. Nevertheless, the database that people can sometimes join with other public databases on attributes (such as ZIP code, gender as well as age) to re-identify individuals can be called the “linking" attack.
The way to protect individuals from re-identification is called “de-identification”. k-anonymity is an efficient way to prevent the linking attack by generalization or suppression so that no individual can be uniquely distinguished from a group of size k. In this thesis, we will discuss what k-anonymity is and find the minimal generalization in the sense of [13] , described by Samarati. We will introduce the hash-based algorithm proposed by X. SUN, and propose a much more efficient as well as flexible algorithm that can be used to find the minimal generalization achieving k-anonymity.
1 簡介 1
1.1 電腦安全與隱私保護有所不同 2
1.2 多重查詢有可能導致資料外洩 3
2 假設與定義 4
2.1 k-anonymity model 6
2.2 Data generalization 7
2.2.1 Generalization Relationships 8
2.3 Generalized Table與Minimal Generalization 13
3 k-minimal generalization Algorithm 19
3.1 Hash-based algorithm 19
3.2 新演算法 20
3.2.1 Rank 21
3.2.2 Children[i,j] 21
3.2.3 我們的演算法 24
3.3 比較 25
3.3.1 效能比較 25
3.3.2 k值變化比較 26
4 結論 30
References 31
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