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作者(外文):Chen, Wei Cheng
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Software-Defined Network (SDN) Controlling FBG-Based Optical Sensing Network with High Survivability and IQ Imbalance in Optical OFDM Systems
指導教授(外文):Feng, Kai Ming
外文關鍵詞:fiber Bragg grating sensormesh topology sensing networksoftware-defined network (SDN)network survivabilityremote nodes controllingorthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM)IQ imbalanceestimationiterative compensation
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:148
  • 評分評分:*****
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For the first topic of this thesis, we propose a software-defined network (SDN) controlling FBG-based optical sensing system with mesh topology. In this system, we use a multiple sensing regions scheme supervised by many SDN controllers. Each SDN controller can know the whole network information of every sensing region by exchanging messages with other controllers. Every regular sensing procedure is automatically executed based on the built-in routing table in central office (CO). SDN controller will only participate in and update the sensing procedures based on software algorithms when abnormal occasions occur, such as link failures. This multiple sensing regions scheme is an effective solution to issues of remote nodes controlling and sensing network survivability enhancement. We apply Mininet and Floodlight as simulation platforms to simulate the data plane and control plane respectively. The numerical simulations, including evaluations of the available light path ratio, the sensing signal power loss, and the network survivability, are conducted based on different sensing regions schemes and link failures. As a result, by taking the advantages of the SDN scheme, our demonstration can not only enhance the performance of sensing procedures and the tolerance of link failures, but also offer an effective solution of the network controlling issues.
For the second topic of this thesis, we propose a low complexity I/Q imbalance estimation algorithm and iterative compensation scheme for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system. The I/Q imbalance parameters can be estimated by simple training symbols. Instead of other complex nonlinear calculations, this estimation algorithm only applies simple linear operations, including division and subtraction, to obtain the estimated I/Q imbalance amplitude and phase factors. These compensations are designed as an iterative procedure by compensating imbalances from receiver and transmitter alternatively. With such a design, the distorted I/Q imbalance signals can be greatly improved, such that performance can be approaching to that of undistorted signals. This proposed estimation and compensation scheme is demonstrated by numerical simulations under various I/Q imbalance conditions.
第1章 緒論
1.1 前言
1.2 研究動機
1.3 論文編排
第2章 布拉格光纖光柵感測網路之原理與網路存活率
2.1 布拉格光纖光柵之感測原理
2.2 網狀拓樸布拉格光纖光柵感測網路
2.2.1 實驗架構
2.2.2 網狀拓樸布拉格光纖光柵感測網路最短路徑之計算
2.2.3 網狀拓樸布拉格光纖光柵感測網路之優缺點
2.3 網路存活率之定義
2.3.1 雙路徑保護之推導與網路存活率
2.3.2 多重路徑保護之推導
第3章 以軟體定義網路控制之網狀布拉格光纖光柵感測網路
3.1 軟體定義網路
3.1.1 OpenFlow技術標準介紹
3.1.2 軟體定義光學網路
3.1.3 以軟體定義網路控制之無線感測網路架構
3.1.4 軟體定義網路之挑戰
3.2 軟體定義網路之模擬平台
3.3 模擬結果及討論
3.3.1 可用替代檢測光路徑比例之模擬結果及討論
3.3.2 感測訊號的功率消耗之模擬結果及討論
3.3.3 網路存活率之模擬結果及討論
第4章 光學正交分頻多工系統之IQ不平衡
4.1 光學正交分頻多工系統之傳送端與接收端
4.2 光學正交分頻多工系統之IQ不平衡
4.3 IQ不平衡之補償架構
4.4 傳送端IQ不平衡之估計及結果
4.5 傳送端與接收端IQ不平衡之估計及結果
4.6 傳送端與接收端皆發生IQ不平衡之迭代補償及結果
第5章 結論
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