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作者(外文):Liu,Hsu Ching
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Basis Reduction-based Pilot Allocation for Sparse Channel Estimation in OFDM Systems
指導教授(外文):Tsai,Yuh Ren
外文關鍵詞:compressed sensingpilot designsparse channel estimationOFDM systemsreduction-based
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  • 點閱點閱:344
  • 評分評分:*****
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Compressed-sensing (CS) is a technique that has invented at least fifteen years. It usually applied the signal processing technique in lots of field. For the principle of Compressed-sensing, we would like to recover the estimated signal. A linear transformation will transform the estimated signal to another domain which has smaller dimension. Therefore, the information of received signal will smaller than the estimated signal. We apply some compressed sensing algorithm to recover the estimated signal. Since the character of the sparse channel of multiple accesses in the wireless communication, we can estimate the sparse channel in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system by Compressed-sensing based.
  Instead of the well-known restricted isometry property, we estimate the sparse channel by calculating the minimum of the maximum relation of the measurement matrix. On the design of the pilot pattern, the way of choosing pilot pattern normally use purely random search. In this work, differ from the usual base of purely random search, we propose a new approach to design the pilot pattern. We find that some subcarriers for choosing as pilot subcarriers are bad choose. As a result, we propose a way to reduce the searching base in order to generate a better pilot pattern. According to the number of channel taps and the number of subcarriers of OFDM system, we design the pilot pattern in the reduced base which is fixed the multiple of the relative distance of pilot subcarriers. We use different multiple of the relative distance by different criterion. The simulation results display that the proposed method of designing pilot pattern is superior to the normal way of designed pilot pattern. We compare the different algorithm of designing pilot pattern in a way of minimum of the maximum relation of the measurement matrix. As a result, it can display a smaller and more stable mean square error in the sparse channel estimation.
口試委員會審定書 #
中文摘要 i
誌謝 iv
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Related Works 4
Chapter 2 System Model 7
2.1 An Overview of OFDM system and pilot design based on mutual coherence 7
2.2 Sparse Channel Estimation via Compressed Sensing 10
2.3 The Objective function Based on Mutual Coherence 15
Chapter 3 Proposed Method 16
3.1 The Proposed Criterion Description 16
3.2 The Lower Bound of the Mutual Coherence 21
3.3 The Character of The Difference Sets 24
Chapter 4 Simulation Results 26
4.1 The Different Size of a Set 27
4.2 The Welch Bound Constraints with Reduction-Based Pilot Allocation 28
4.3 The Proposed Method Simulate in Different Scenario 30
Chapter 5 Conclusion 44
References 45

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