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作者(外文):Chang, Liang-Shun
論文名稱(外文):Magnetic Wireless Interlayer Transmission Module through Perpendicular MTJ for 3D-IC Applications
外文關鍵詞:Three Dimensional Transmission SystemMagnetic Wireless TransmissionMicro-Coil ApplicationMagnetic Tunneling Junction
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近年來,人們對於電子產品的需求越來越高,在達到多功能的同時更須伴隨輕量化的產品重量及更快速的產品效能。透過連接數個積體電路基板與電路晶片,在複合基板上建立起一個或數個多功能晶片,是多功能電子產品的基本架構,因此晶片與晶片之間的封裝技術擔任了電子產品效能好壞與成敗的重要角色。封裝技術是提供不同晶片或不同晶粒之間作訊號傳遞的橋梁,而訊號傳輸的方法又根據使用的基本架構不同而在性能表現上有所差異與區隔。在眾多封裝技術當中,我們可將其大致歸納成以下三類:(1) 系統級晶片 (2) 系統級封裝 (3) 三維積體電路封裝。
Recently, there has been an increase in the demand for smaller and lighter electronic equipment with response and multi-function capabilities data. These multi-function systems required the integration of the IC chips by same/or special process, hence, transmission between chips is critical to the performance of these systems. While packaging technologies have rapidly developed, various system integration schemes have been implemented in recent years, such as, system on chip (SoC), system in package (SiP), and 3D integrated circuit (3D-IC).
In general, there are three types of data transmission schemes in 3D-IC technologies: (1) through-silicon via (TSV), (2) capacitive coupling module and (3) inductive coupling module. TSV technology belongs to “direct contact” transmission method, and has received considerable attention because of its ability to achieve high density connection in heterogeneous integration. However, TSV technologies faces challenges in a lot of problems, such as (a) Additional process flow resulting in high cost, (b) The difficult of perfect via filling (voidless), (c) Wafer thinning resulting in harder manufacturing, (d) Chemical Mechanical Planarization (CMP) uniformity, (e) Yield inspection, etc. Compared to TSV technology, the capacitive coupling module and the inductive coupling module attract more and more interesting by their high data transmission rate, low additional cost, and can directly manufacture in the standard CMOS process. Moreover, those two transmission module featured in high packaging reliability due to wireless characteristic. The capacitive coupling module is the wireless transmission of energy within an electrical network by means of the capacitance between circuit nodes. And a capacitive channel is created by placing small metal plates on two silicon dies and stacking the two dies so that the metal plates are parallel, creates a capacitor. This capacitor connects two circuits by passing an AC signal through it. Capacitive coupling methods have the advantages of simple channel modelling and less crosstalk due to a more confined electrical field. However, its distance of communication is limited to only several microns. Similar to capacitive coupling, inductive coupling is a wireless transmission module, but the transmission mechanism is magnetic rather than electrical. Wireless inductive coupling methods rely on the coupled magnetic field between a planar spiral inductor pair. Chips are stacked face-up and inductively coupled by metal inductors to form a multi-drop bus. However, the challenges of implementing an inductive coupling link include larger inductor area and relatively higher power consumption, as compared to TSVs.
In this thesis, a new wireless 3D IC connection method, Magnetic-sensing Transmission Interface (MTI), is reported for the first time. From the view of inductive coupling but changing the sensor structure, it is expected to achieving a higher operation frequency and a lower power consumption. Signal transmission through the MTI implemented by placing a high-sensitivity sensor with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy on the top of a micro-coil transmitter is successfully demonstrated. This novel embedded perpendicular MTJ (p-MTJ) based on the MTI is proposed for wireless connections in 3D-ICs. The magnetic field of a micro-coil can be centralized on the magnetic sensor for best response, enabling localized data transmission. Compared with inductive coupling between two coils, the receiving end of the magnetic-sensing transmission is replaced by a p-MTJ, which enables highly efficient and localized transmission, leading to lower power and faster connection speed of the module. In addition, the concept of multiple channel MTI module is also introduced and discussed in this thesis. A further design of transmitter-end and receiver-end, the multi-channel MTI can achieve a higher data transmission density and a better power consumption. As last, magnetic field concentrator applied on MTI module is introduced, and four type of concentrator structure are purposed and analysed. Under the same way of transmission but changes the entire transmission structure, the p-MTJ sensor can detect stronger field intensity to reduce the driving coil current, achieving a further better power consumption.
In summary, a new 3D-IC connection method using an MTI has been demonstrated for low power and wide bandwidth data transmission in 3D-IC integration technology. And two types of receiver circuits based on the MTI were proposed and applied in the 3D-IC connection. Moreover, the performance of both receiver circuits has been successfully demonstrated with 0.18 μm CMOS technologies. Using a highly sensitive magnetic sensor, the proposed MTI receives signals at a low vertical magnetic field, leading to much lower transmitting power, whereas its fast spin response and light capacitive load allow for high-speed, low-power and wireless 3D connections.
Abstract ii
中文摘要 v
Acknowledgement vii
Table of Contents viii
List of Table x
List of Figures xi
CHAPTER 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Dissertation Organization 3
CHAPTER 2 Integrated Circuit Packaging Technologies 5
2.1 Introduction 5
2.2 Two-Dimensional Integrated Circuit (2D/2.5D IC) 5
2.2.1 System-on-Chip Integration Technology 6
2.2.2 System-in-Package Integration Technology 6
2.3 Three-Dimensional Integrated Circuit (3D-IC) 7
2.3.1 Through-Silicon-Via Technology 8
2.3.2 Capacitive Coupling Module 9
2.3.3 Inductive Coupling Module 9
2.4 Summary 10
CHAPTER 3 Magnetic Transmission Interface 22
3.1 Introduction 22
3.2 Magnetic Transmission Interface 22
3.2.1 Transmission Characteristic 23
3.2.2 Magnetic Sensor Receiver 24
3.2.3 Readout Circuit Design 26
3.3 Magnetic Tunnel Junction (MTJ) Receiver 28
3.3.1 Device Structure 29
3.3.2 Basic Characteristics of the Magnetic Sensor 29
3.4 Micro-Coil Transmitter 31
3.4.1 Inductor Characteristic 31
3.4.2 Optimization on Magnetic Field Generator 32
3.5 Summary 34
CHAPTER 4 Multiple Channel Magnetic Transmission Interface 70
4.1 Introduction 70
4.2 Multi-Channel Magnetic Transmission Interface 71
4.2.1 Magnetic Transmission Characteristic 71
4.2.2 Sensors Array and Readout Circuit 72
4.2.3 Coils and Sensors Array Design 73
4.3 Summary 73
CHAPTER 5 Application of Magnetic Flux Controller on Magnetic Transmission Interface 84
5.1 Introduction of Magnetic Flux Controller 84
5.2 Permeability Material Selection 85
5.3 Combining Flux Controller with MTI 87
5.3.1 Feasible Structure of Flux Controller 87
5.3.2 Simulation Result and Discussion 89
5.4 Summary 92
CHAPTER 6 Conclusion 112
6.1 Conclusion 112
Reference 115
Vita 123
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