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論文名稱(外文):Timing Characteristic Extraction Methodology for 2.5D Interposer Integrate System
外文關鍵詞:2.5D ICTiming Characteristic
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With the development of mobile device towards low-power design and multi-function design. Also, transistor size is shrinking continuously based on Moore’s Law, the cost and difficulties of chip fabrication are getting higher and higher. Duo to these demands and problems, 3D Integration Chip (3D IC) by using TSV (Through Silicon Via) technology become the most popular research topic. However, the technology of 3D IC hasn’t fully developed yet. Lower yield and high cost are the bottleneck of mass production. Therefore, 2.5D Interposer Integrate System IC is proposed which has advantages like low cost and fabrication easily. Chips on 2.5D Interposer Integrate System communicate with each other by redistribution layer. But when chip once mounted on interposer, we can’t test whole system performance and whether the redistribution layer is open or short.
We proposed a timing characteristic extraction methodology for 2.5D interposer integrate system. Using the transceiver and receiver circuit inside chip and data processing circuit to extract the timing characteristic of each block.
摘要 iv
Abstract v
致謝 vi
List of Figure ix
第一章 簡介 1
1.1 動機與研究背景 1
1.2 三維積體電路的分類與應用 4
1.3 論文概述 11
第二章 中介層(Interposer)的介紹 12
2.1 中介層結構 12
2.2 玻璃基板的崛起 14
2.3 嵌入式中介層載板(Embedded Interposer Carrier, EIC) 16
第三章 雙倍資料率同步動態隨機存取記憶體(Double Data Rate Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory) 19
3.1 動態隨機存取記憶體簡介 19
3.2動態隨機存取記憶體訊號 24
3.2.1 時脈 24
3.2.2 位址 24
3.2.3指令 24
3.2.4資料 25
3.3 動態隨機存取記憶體操作 25
3.4動態隨機存取記憶體傳輸介面規範 28
第四章 時間測定參數萃取方法論 31
4.1 時間電壓轉換量測法 31
4.2 互斥或閘(XOR)量測法 32
4.3 游標延遲線量測法 33
4.4 時序特性量測法應用於2.5D IC之挑戰 35
第五章 提出的架構與操作方式 36
5.1雙倍資料率傳輸介面 36
5.2發送器架構 (Transceiver, Tx) 37
5.3 接收器架構 (Receiver, Rx) 40
5.4提出的時序特性萃取方法 42
第六章 晶片實現 48
6.1 測試晶片設計 48
6.2 測試晶片佈局版圖規劃 49
6.3 晶片實作與佈局 49
第七章 量測結果 51
7.1 發送器時序特性萃取量測 51
7.2接收器時序特性萃取量測 52
7.3 PADIN到PADOUT時序特性萃取量測 53
7.4 發送器Macro與接收器Macro時序特性萃取 53
7.4 重分佈層時間特性萃取量測 54
第八章 結論與未來的研究 55
參考文獻 56
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