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作者(外文):Chang, Ming Yo
論文名稱(外文):Research in how to use encapsulation and experiment process to enhance lifetime and stable of the vertical organic transistor
指導教授(外文):Horng, Sheng Fu
口試委員(外文):Meng, Hsin Fei
Wang, A Long
Chao, Yu Chiang
外文關鍵詞:SCLTreliability-processedlifetimebias stress effect
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:391
  • 評分評分:*****
  • 下載下載:5
  • 收藏收藏:0
Our group has improved the property of the space-charge-limited transistor for many years. To drive the organic light-emitting device (OLED) and E-paper by SCLT and commercialize all of this application, lifetime and the stability are the main bottleneck of the development. Without being encapsulated, the electricity of the SCLT would decrease day by day because of the moisture. Therefore, maintaining the life time of the SCLT is to develop the well encapsulation. Due to simulating the reality of the commercialized product of SCLT, we will operate the device for a long time and then calculate the value of the threshold voltage which affects the SCLT driving the OLED and E-paper. Decreasing the threshold voltage, the process of the SCLT would be improved. The main ideas of this dissertation are to investigate the lifetime of SCLT after encapsulated and the stability of SCLT by adding self-assembled mono-layer or irradiating UV Ozone process which improves the fabrication process.
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。
目錄 III
圖目錄 V
Chapter 1 緒論 - 1 -
1-1 研究背景 - 1 -
1-2 研究動機 - 3 -
1-3 論文架構 - 3 -
Chapter 2材料簡介 - 4 -
2-1共軛高分子材料 - 5 -
2-2有機絕緣材料 - 8 -
2-2.1Poly(4-vinylphenol)(PVP) - 8 -
2-2.2 ( Polyvinylpyrrolidone,PVP ) - 9 -
2-3自組裝單層分子 - 10 -
Chapter 3空間電荷限制電晶體原理 - 11 -
3-1 金屬與半導體界面 - 11 -
3-2 有機元件之電流限制原理 - 14 -
3-2.1 注入限制電流 - 14 -
3-2.2 空間電荷限制電流(SCL Current) - 15 -
3-3 真空管原理 - 19 -
3-4 空間電荷限制電晶體結構與其操作原理 - 20 -
Chapter 4實驗製程 - 22 -
4-1 基板之圖樣定義製程 - 22 -
4-2 標準SCLT製程 - 24 -
4-2.1 有機絕緣層 - 24 -
4-2.2 奈米金屬網格 - 24 -
4-2.3 主洞層與上電極 - 25 -
4-3 SCLT+自組單層分子(SAM)製程 - 27 -
4-4 SCLT+紫外光臭氧(UV Ozone)處理製程 - 28 -
4-5 SCLT加壓式封裝 - 29 -
4-6 SCLT薄膜封裝 - 31 -
Chapter 5結果與討論 - 32 -
5-1電性量測 - 32 -
5-1.1標準SCLT電性 - 32 -
5-1.2 SAM處理SCLT電性 - 33 -
5-1.3 UV Ozone處理SCLT電性 - 33 -
5-2 SCLT壽命探討 - 37 -
5-2.1 未封裝標準SCLT壽命 - 37 -
5-2.2加壓式封裝標準SCLT壽命 - 37 -
5-2.3薄膜封裝標準SCLT壽命 - 38 -
5-2.4 加壓式封裝SAM處理SCLT壽命 - 39 -
5-2.5加壓式封裝UV Ozone處理SCLT壽命 - 39 -
5-3持續偏壓效應( BSE ) - 41 -
5-3.1未封裝標準SCLT - 41 -
5-3.2 加壓式封裝SCLT - 42 -
5-3.3 SAM處理SCLT - 42 -
5-3.4 UV Ozone處理SCLT - 43 -
5-4 Vt shift 探討 - 44 -
Chapter 6 結論 - 46 -
參考文獻 - 47 -
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