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作者(外文):Cho, Szu Chen
論文名稱(外文):An Efficient Snoop Filter with Adaptive Mechanism in Multiprocessor Systems
指導教授(外文):Chang, Shih Chieh
口試委員(外文):Chen, Tien Fu
Lin, Cheng Hung
外文關鍵詞:snoop filtercache coherencefalse positive predictionfilter rate
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然而,竊聽過濾器也同樣面臨著相同的問題──第一型錯誤(false positive)預測所產生的大量電量消耗。基本上,竊聽過濾器的設計必須在過濾比率和硬體成本間進行考量。傳統上,竊聽過濾器比率會隨著記憶體容量增大而增加,但是記憶體的增加會造成硬體的負擔。為解決上述問題,本研究提出一有效的動態適應技術,使竊聽過濾器能在使用較少的記憶體下提高過濾率。實驗的結果顯示,本研究的動態適應技術能分別提高19.17%的過濾率與減少76.1%的記憶體使用率。
Cache coherence is very important in modern heterogeneous computing systems as well as multicore systems to ensure all processors, or bus masters in the system maintain the consistent data in their local cache memory. The simplest mechanism of cache coherency is to broadcast a snoop request to all processor caches and then each cache receiving the snoop request performs a cache tag lookup to determine whether it has the data. Because for most workloads the majority of cache tag lookups performed as a result of snoop requests will miss and waste power, Snoop filters have been widely adopted to reduce power consumption by filtering out unnecessary cache tag lookup for cache coherence.
However, snoop filters also suffer the same problem that huge amount of power is consumed by false positive predictions of snoop filters. Substantially, designing an efficient snoop filter has to make tradeoff decisions between filter rate and hardware overhead. Traditionally, snoop filter rate can be enhanced by increasing memory capacity, but the burden caused by the hardware overhead. In this paper, we propose an efficient adaptive mechanism which can be applied to snoop filters to improve snoop filter rate with low hardware overhead. The basic idea of the adaptive mechanism is to duplicate multiple copies of small snoop filters and distribute cache tags evenly to the duplicated copies according to the analytics of operating systems. The adaptive mechanism can effectively improve filter rate by reducing false positive predictions. Experimental results show that applying the adaptive mechanism to JETTY snoop filters achieves an average of 19.17% and 76.1% improvement on filter rate and memory reduction, respectively for Splash 2 benchmarks.
List of Contents
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝辭 III
List of Contents IV
List of Figures V
List of Tables VI
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Backgrounds 6
Chapter 3 An Adaptiveptive Mechanism For Snoop Filter 11
Chapter 4 Experimental Results 16
Chapter 5 Conclusions 22
References 23

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