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作者(外文):Han, Szu-Yuan
論文名稱(外文):Delay-driven Layer Assignment for Sub-16nm Technology Nodes
指導教授(外文):Wang, Ting-Chi
外文關鍵詞:sub-16nmlayer assignment
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:520
  • 評分評分:*****
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As technology advances, the interconnect delay gradually dominates the circuit performance but the emerging issues makes timing optimization become more complicated. Since 32nm nodes, different tiers of layers have different default wire widths such that the layer assignment of routing wires greatly impacts interconnect delay. Moreover, below 16nm nodes, because the wire coupling impacts delay more significantly and wire width cannot be arbitrarily sized to reduce wire capacitance, the timing optimization problem is harder to resolve. This thesis addresses a delay-driven layer assignment problem with consideration of via delay and coupling effect in the global routing stage. A look-up table method is proposed to estimate the coupling capacitance modeled by a probabilistic approach. In order to consider routability, a negotiation-based framework is presented to strike a good balance between delay, congestion, and via count. Finally, the proposed algorithm is able to use parallel wires and non-default-rule (NDR) wires to pursue better delay reduction instead of using wire sizing. The effectiveness of our layer assignment algorithm is well supported by extensive experimental results.
1 Introduction 1
2 Problem Formulation 4
2.1 Parallel Wires and NDR Wires 5
2.2 Wire Congestion Constraints 6
2.3 Delay Model 6
3 Parasitic Extraction 8
4 Delay-driven Layer Assignment 10
4.1 Algorithm flow 11
4.2 Single net layer assignments 14
4.2.1 Overview of DPLA 15
4.2.1 Find a minimum cost assignment 17
4.3 Delay Calculation 20
4.4 Node weighting 20
4.5 Threshold of using parallel wires and NDR wires 21
5 Experimental Results 26
5.1 Delay Impact from Coupling Capacitance 26
5.2 Threshold Setting of Parallel Wires and NDR Wires 27
5.3 Effectiveness of the Node Weighting 28
5.4 Effectiveness of Using Parallel and NDR Wires 29
6 Conclusions 31
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