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作者(外文):Chen, Chu-Ling
論文名稱(外文):Continuous Emotion Recognition by Estimating Common Label Bias with Label Confidence Prior
指導教授(外文):Hsu, Chiou-Ting
口試委員(外文):Wang, Sheng-Jyh
Lee, Chi-Chun
外文關鍵詞:Continuous Emotion RecognitionMachine LearningFacial Expression Recognition
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  • 評分評分:*****
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Continuous emotion recognition aims to recognize human emotion from audio-visual sequences. Continuous emotion labels are noisy because the annotators cannot accurately estimate the continuous emotion while watching the audio-visual sequences in real-time. Most existing methods exclude the label noises and bridge the gap between real emotion and their model with manual and hand-crafted designs. However, these manual designs are not beneficial to the automation of emotion understanding. The purpose of this work is to purify the noisy emotion labels and also to bridge the gap between emotion annotators and emotion regressors automatically. We propose a jointly-optimized model of emotion regressor and common label bias estimation with a label noise measurement by feature-label relationships. We also empower this model with deep emotion features. The proposed method is capable of jointly emotion recognition, label purification, and label bias compensation under minimal human interventions. The results of our study outperform various models under fair comparisons, and are comparable to the State-of-the-Arts on the well-known AVEC 2012 dataset.
中文摘要 2
Abstract 3
1. Introduction 6
1.1 Background 6
1.2 Common Steps of CER 7
1.3 Issues of Continuous Emotion Datasets 7
1.4 Organization 8
2. Related Work and Motivation 9
2.1 The State-of-the-Art Methods 9
2.1.1 Multi-scale Dynamic Cues 9
2.1.2 3D Shape Model 10
2.1.3 Bayesian Fusion 10
2.2 Solutions of Calibration Stage Issue 11
2.3 Motivation 12
3. Proposed Method 14
3.1 Overview 14
3.1.1 Preliminaries 14
3.1.2 Assumptions 15
3.1.3 Single-modal Framework 17
3.2 Basic temporal bias estimation model 17
3.2.1 Loss Functions and Solutions 19
3.2.2 Robustness of the temporal bias estimation model 20
3.3 Label confidence prior 21
3.4 Prediction 24
3.4.1 Single modality prediction 24
3.4.2 Fusion of predictions 25
3.5 Robust Emotion Features 26
3.5.1 Visual features 26
3.5.2 Audio features 27
4. Experimental Results 30
4.1 Datasets 30
4.2 Labels and Evaluation Metrics 31
4.3 Feature Settings 32
4.4 Model Evaluations 33
4.5 Comparison with existing methods 35
5. Discussions 39
5.1 Limitations 39
5.1.1 Formulation and Convergence 39
5.1.2 Failure cases 40
5.2 Measurement of correlation coefficient 40
6. Conclusions 42
7. References 43
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