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作者(外文):Huang, Hui Ming
論文名稱(外文):Cloud-based Elastic Stream Processing System for Wearable Healthcare Device and IoT Applications
指導教授(外文):Chou, Chi Yuan
口試委員(外文):Lee, Che Rung
Hsiao, Hung Chang
外文關鍵詞:IOTdistributed stream computingwearable devicedynamic resource management
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  • 點閱點閱:339
  • 評分評分:*****
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物聯網 (IOT) 在近年來快速崛起,並被視為未來數年內最具影響 的技術之一。是一種透過將物體透過網路戶聯互通,實現智能化識 別和管理的計算概念。它的應用非常廣泛,包括交通管理,健康醫 療,無人駕駛車,智慧家電等等。在這篇論文中,我們利用結合穿 戴式裝置與雲端計算的技術,實作了一個即時監控分析病人健康的 物聯網應用服務系統。並探討系統中分散式串流計算的動態資源分 配問題。讓我們的系統可以在雲端平台上根據使用者和計算量的變 化作調整能,提升系統的計算成本效益以及效能保證。
IOT (Internet of Thing) rapid rise in recently years. It can be taken as one of the most influential technology in the future. It is a computational concept through the connection between physical object and Internet to realize intelligent identification and management. It has been widely used including transportation management, medical healthcare, driverless car and intelligent appliances. In this thesis, we use the technology in combination with wearable device and cloud computing, and im- plement an IOT application service which can monitor and analyze the health state of patient in real-time. We also discuss the problem of dynamic resource manage- ment in distributed stream computing system. Our system can adjust the resources according to the loading of computation from users to promote the cost-effectiveness and guarantee the performance simultaneously.
1 Introduction 4
2 Healthcare System 7
2.1 Frontendhealthcaredevice........................ 7
2.2 Backendcloudservice .......................... 8
2.3 ApacheStorm............................... 10
3 Motivation 12
3.1 TradeoffbetweenLatencyandResource ................ 12
3.2 ResourceAssignmentinDAGiscomplicated . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.3 Loadingisunpredictable......................... 13
4 Resource Management System 15
4.1 Architecture................................ 16
4.1.1 Monitor.............................. 16
4.1.2 DataCollector .......................... 17
4.1.3 PolicyEngine........................... 18
4.1.4 DecisionEngine.......................... 19
5 Algorithm 20
5.1 OnlineControlAlgorithm ........................ 20
5.1.1 CriticalBoltFirst ........................ 21
5.1.2 CriticalPathFirst ........................ 21
5.2 OfflineControlAlgorithm ........................ 21
5.2.1 CriticalDifferenceDelayFirst.................. 22
5.2.2 CriticalProportionDelayFirst ................. 22
6 Evaluation 24
6.1 Environment ............................... 24
6.2 Experiment1:SimpleDAG ....................... 25
6.3 Experiment2:ComplexDAG ...................... 26
6.4 DynamicLoadingBoostAware ..................... 27
7 Related work
8 Conclusion
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