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作者(外文):Lin, Jia Yu
論文名稱(外文):Facial Landmark Detection with Face Region Rectification and Deep Network Cascade
指導教授(外文):Hsu, Chiou Ting
口試委員(外文):Sun, Min
Chien, Jen Tzung
外文關鍵詞:facial landmark detectiondeep learningconvolutional neural networkcascade
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  • 評分評分:*****
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Facial landmark detection has been studied in recent years and has achieved good performance in controlled environment. However, the performance decreases significantly when face images are taken under wild conditions (e.g., different illuminations, occlusions, resolution and with different expressions and pose variations). Moreover, many methods need to determine face region before landmark detection. Therefore, the performance is affected by the accuracy of face detectors. The purpose of this work is to tackle the influence of environmental variations and ensure the detection accuracy even with instable face detectors. Therefore, we propose a two-level deep network to implement coarse-to-fine estimation. The first level predicts rough locations and the second level locally refines the results. We also adopt the multi-task learning into each level to include more information from face. Furthermore, we propose a CNN model to rectify inaccurate face region. Experimental results show that our approach uses fewer models to get more accurate results on AFLW and AFW datasets.
中文摘要 ..... 1
Abstract ..... 2
1. Introduction ..... 4
2. Related Work ..... 6
2.1 Convolutional Neural Network..... 6
2.2 CNN-based Approaches ..... 7
2.3 Discussion ..... 9
3. Proposed Method ..... 10
3.1 Overview ..... 10
3.2 CNN for Face Region Rectification ..... 11
3.2.1 Network Structure ..... 12
3.3 Two-level Cascade for Facial Landmark Detection ..... 12
3.3.1 Multi-Task CNN for Rough Prediction..... 13
3.3.2 Multi-Task CNN for Refinement..... 14
3.3.3 Testing Strategy ..... 16
3.4 Implementation Details ..... 16
3.4.1 Layer-wise Structure ..... . 16
3.4.2 Training ..... 19
4. Experimental Results ..... 22
4.1 Database and Setting ..... 22
4.2 Evaluation of Face Region Rectification ..... 23
4.3 Evaluation of Refinement Strategy ..... 24
4.4 Comparison with State-of-the-art Methods ..... 26
4.5 Extension to Dense Landmark Annotations..... 29
5. Discussion ..... 30
6. Conclusions ..... 32
7. References ..... 33
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