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論文名稱(外文):Design and Implementation of Fingerprint Recognition Using Minutiae Disk Code (MDC)
中文關鍵詞:指紋辨識指紋特徵點圓柱式編碼指紋特徵點立方體式編碼指紋特 徵點磁碟式編碼
外文關鍵詞:Fingerprint RecognitionMinutiae Cylinder CodeMinutiae Cubic Structure CodeMinutiae Disk Code
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指紋是相當可靠且獨特的生物特徵並常被應用於身分識別與保密安全上,近年來,行動裝置上也開始具有指紋的感測器來辨識使用者,對使用者而言,準確度與辨識的時間是相當重要的課題。有許多的研究在於提升指紋辨識的準確度與降低其辨識的時間;指紋特徵點圓柱式編碼(Minutiae Cylinder Code(MCC))是一項編碼的技術,記錄了指紋特徵點與周邊其他特徵點的相對分布關係,並使用區域與全域的比對來提升準確度,在指紋辨識上有很好的表現;然而其計算時間相當的長,因此,我們提出指紋特徵點立方體式編碼(Minutiae Cubic Structure Code (MCSC)),藉由簡化指紋特徵點圓柱式編碼的計算來達到降低指紋特徵點圓柱式編碼的辨識時間;我們更提出指紋特徵點磁碟式編碼(Minutiae Disk Code (MDC))的方法,更有效率與清楚地記錄與呈現鄰近特徵點的關係與分布情形,此方法在區域特徵編碼上比圓柱式編碼有280.08倍的加速,此外,提出的指紋特徵點磁碟式編碼在FVC2000與FVC2002的資料庫中有平均96.81%的辨識率。
在硬體實作指紋特徵點磁碟式編碼中,對於在全域比對中的疊代運算採用了平行計算來加速指紋比對,此設計在TSMC 90nm的製程下的晶片核心面積為0.48mm2並達到工作頻率111MHz,在大小為255x255最多64個指紋特徵點的指紋影像上達到每秒1234次的指紋比對(每次比對花費0.81ms),相較於MCC的方法有141.27倍的加速。
Fingerprint is one of the reliable and unique biometric features for the application of identity secure. Nowadays, mobile devices are also equipped with fingerprint sensor. The accuracy and the response time are important for the users. There are many researches aimed at raise the accuracy and reduce the computation time of fingerprint recognition. Minutiae cylinder code (MCC) is a coding method to encode the local neighbor minutiae and apply the local and global matching for fingerprint comparison, which has great performance on fingerprint recognition. However, the computation time of the MCC is high. Therefore, we proposed a minutiae cubic structure code (MCSC) method to speed up the computation time by simplifying the complex computation of the MCC. Furthermore, we proposed a new disk structure to encode the local structure for each minutia. The proposed minutiae disk code (MDC) encodes the neighbor minutiae more efficiently and clearly illustrate the distribution of the neighbor minutiae. The MDC method reduces the computation time by having 280.08x speed up in MCC encoding part on Matlab platform. In addition, the proposed MDC approach has high distinguish ability of the 96.81% recognition rate on the FVC2000 and FVC2002 datasets.
The hardware implementation of MDC applies parallel computing on the relaxation process of global matching to accelerate the fingerprint comparison time. The implementation can achieve the operating frequency of 111MHz, conducting one fingerprint comparison of 0.81ms, which can process 1234 fingerprint images per second with the image size of 255x255 and the maximum of 64 minutiae, and with the core area of 0.48mm2 under TSMC 90nm technology. The hardware implementation has 141.27x speed up than the MCC method.
1 Introduction --1
1.1 Motivation -- 1
1.2 Related Work -- 2
1.3 Goal and Contribution -- 5
1.4 Thesis Organization -- 7
2 Minutiae Cylinder Code (MCC) --8
3 Minutiae Cubic Structure Code (MCSC) --14
4 Minutiae Disk code (MDC) --19
4.1 Overview -- 19
4.2 Comparison Between MCC, MCSC, and MDC -- 20
4.3 MDC Structure -- 21
4.4 Local Similarity Between Two MDCs -- 27
4.5 Global Score -- 29
4.5.1 Pairs Selection by Local Greedy (LG) Algorithm -- 29
4.5.2 Relaxation and Final Global Score -- 30
5 Performance Evaluation --33
5.1 Setting of Simulation Environments -- 33
5.2 The Influence of MCSC parameters --34
5.3 The Influence of MDC parameters -- 37
5.4 Software Simulation Results -- 40
6 Hardware Implementation of MDC Based Fingerprint Recognition --44
6.1 Overview -- 44
6.2 Create MDC Unit -- 48
6.3 Local Similarity Calculation Unit -- 49
6.4 Relaxation and Global Score Unit -- 51
6.5 Implementation Results -- 53
7 Conclusions --61
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