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作者(外文):Ma, Hao Che
論文名稱(中文):Investigation of Active Damping Technique Using Capacitor Current Feedback for Active Power Filter
指導教授(外文):Cheng, Po Tai
外文關鍵詞:Active dampingActive power filter
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With the increase of the cloud computing, server farms which are the backbones of the cloud computing also develop rapidly. These server farms are equipped with a considerable amount of computer server racks, and they require PFC front-ends to draw almost perfect sinusoidal current. In the meanwhile, several AC side filter capacitors are installed to meet the harmonics and EMI standard. Along with large grid side inductors, these capacitors result in low frequency resonance in hundreds Hz to few kHz. Therefore, typical back ground harmonic distortion of the grid or neighboring harmonic-producing loads can cause significant voltage and current distortion.
In this paper, an active damping technique using capacitor current feedback control based on a shunt active power filter is explored. The proposed technique simulates a virtual resistor in series with capacitor banks to suppress the aforementioned resonance phenomenon. In addition, a lag compensator would be added to compensate the amplified magnitude caused by the capacitor current feedback control. Besides, for a better power quality, the grid current feedback control is to eliminate the harmonic current which is from non-linear load. Laboratory test results are provided to validate the performance of the proposed technique.
1. Introduction
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Motivation 1
1.3 Thesis Organization 2
2. Literature Survey
2.1 Introduction 3
2.2 Harmonic Resonance 3
2.3 Load Compensation Type of Active Power Filter 5
2.4 Voltage Detection Type of Active Power Filter 6
2.5 Grid Current Compensation Type of Active Power Filter 7
2.6 Capacitor Current Feedback for Active Damping 11
2.7 Summary 16
3. Operation Principle
3.1 Introduction 17
3.2 Capacitor Current Feedback for Active Damping. 17
3.2.1 Controller description 18
3.2.2 Controller analysis 18

3.3 Capacitor Current Feedback with Lag Compensator Design 23
3.4 Grid Current Feedback Control 27
3.4.1 Controller analysis 28
3.5 DC Bus Voltage Control. 32
3.6 Capacitor Current Feedback with Lag Compensator Control 33
3.7 Capacitor Current Lag Compensator and Grid Current Control 35
3.8 Summary. 36
4. Experiment Results
4.1 Introduction 37
4.2 Experiment Test Bench 37
4.3 Laboratory Test Results. 39
4.3.1 Capacitor Current Feedback with Lag Compensator Control 39 Operating without Non-linear Load 40 Operating with Non-linear Load 46 Discussion 52
4.3.2 Capacitor Current Feedback without Lag Compensator Control 53 Operating with Non-linear Load 54 Comparison between with and without lag compensator 57
4.3.3 Capacitor Current Lag Compensator and Grid Current Control 62 Operating with Non-linear Load 63 Discussion 69
4.3.4 Summary 70
5. Conclusion and Future work
5.1 Conclusion 71
5.2 Future Work 71

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