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作者(外文):He, Jr Jia
指導教授(外文):Liaw, Chang Ming
口試委員(外文):Hwang, Chang Chou
Shyu, Kuo Kai
外文關鍵詞:SRMEVbatterysupercapacitorinterface converter SMRsingle-phase three-wire inverterregenerative brakinggrid-to-vehiclevehicle-to-homevehicle-to-grid
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車輛處於閒置狀態,電網可對車上蓄電池從事具功率因數校正之充電。為達此目的,建構多種功率因數校正切換式整流器集積電路,含單相全橋式升壓切換式整流器、單相無橋升壓切換式整流器和三相無橋不連續電流模式切換式整流器。切換式整流器後接一直流/直流降壓轉換器為主之充電器,以得良好充電性能。在車輛至家庭操作上,建構一單相三線式變頻器,由升壓之直流鏈電壓產出 110V/220V 60Hz 交流電源供給家電負載。採用差模及共模控制,在未知及非線性負載下,可得良好之輸出電壓波形。至於車輛至電網操作,車上蓄電池可經變頻器供給家電負載,多餘之能量可回送至電網。
This thesis is mainly concerned with the development of a battery/supercapacitor powered electric vehicle (EV) three-phase switched-reluctance motor (SRM) drive having grid-to-vehicle (G2V), vehicle-to-home (V2H), and vehicle-to-grid (V2G) operation capabilities. All these operations are achieved with integrated schematics formed using the SRM drive embedded components.
In the developed asymmetric bridge converter fed SRM drive, its DC-link voltage is established from the battery via an interleaved boost DC/DC converter. While the super- capacitor (SC) is interfaced to the DC-link by an one-leg bidirectional buck/boost DC/DC converter. And the SC is linked to the battery through a diode. This arrangement allows the SC effectively absorbing the regenerative braking energy and automatically charging the battery as the SC voltage is increased to a certain value. Conversely, the SC can quickly discharge to assist the motor acceleration. Then the battery follows to support the motor driving operation. In SRM drive control improvement, the winding current response is enhanced by the proposed control scheme. Wherein, the feedback controller is augmented with an observed back electromotive force (EMF) feed-forward controller and a simple robust current tracking error cancellation controller (RCECC). Moreover, a dynamic commutation tuning (DCT) scheme is added to reduce the back-EMF effects under higher speeds. As to the speed control loop, it is also properly designed to yield satisfactory driving performances, including acceleration/deceleration, reversible and regenerative braking operations. The operating characteristics and the advantages of using SC are also evaluated experimentally.
In EV idle condition, its battery can be charged from the grid (G2V) with power factor correction (PFC). Several types of on-board PFC switch-mode rectifiers (SMRs) are formed. The integrated circuits of these SMRs include a single-phase H-bridge boost (SMR), a single-phase bridgeless boost SMR and a three-phase bridgeless discontinue current mode (DCM) SMR. All these SMRs are followed by a DC/DC buck converter based battery charger to yield good charging performance. In autonomous V2H operation, a single-phase three-wire (1P3W) inverter with boosted DC-link voltage (550V) from the battery (156V) via a DC/DC boost converter is formed to generate the 110V/220V 60Hz AC voltage outputs for powering domestic appliances. Good output voltage waveforms are generated under unknown and non-linear loads via applying differential mode (DM) and common mode (CM) controls. As to the grid-connected V2G operation, the inverter can power the domestic appliances, and the surplus energy can be sent back to the grid.
2.1 Introduction 7
2.2 Some Basic Affairs of SRM Drive 7
2.3 Some Commonly Used SRM Converters 11
2.4 Possible Front-end Converters 14
2.4.1 DC/DC Front-end Converters 14
2.4.2 AC/DC Front-end Converters 15
2.5 Electric Vehicles 16
2.6 Superapacitor and Flywheel 17
2.7 The Developed EV Emulated Load 21
2.7.1 Load Torque Modeling of EV Motor Drive 21
2.7.2 Estimation of Parameters for the Developed EV Load Test-bench 23
2.7.3 Driving Characteristic of the SRM Drive with the Developed EV Load Testbench 28
2.8 G2V/V2H/V2G Operations of Electric Vehicles 28
2.9 Some Example EV Multi-functional Converters 30
2.10 Configuration and Functions of the Developed EV SRM Drive 32
3.1 Introduction 34
3.2 Possible Schematics of Battery/SC Fed SRM Drive System Configurations 34
3.3 Configurations and Operations of the Developed SRM Drive in All Modes 36
3.4 Analysis and Design of DC/DC Front-end Converter 42
3.4.1 One-leg Bidirectional Buck/Boost DC/DC Converter for Supercapacitor 42
3.4.2 Interleaved Boost DC/DC Converter for Battery 47
3.4.3 Experiment Performance Evaluation for the Interleaved DC/DC Converter 50
3.5 Switched-reluctance Motor Drive in Driving Mode 52
3.5.1 Power Circuit 52
3.5.2 Digital Control Environment 57
3.5.3 Control Schemes 60
3.6 Measured Results in Driving Mode 65
4.1 Introduction 86
4.2 System Configurations of the Established EV SRM Drive in G2V Mode 86
4.2.1 Battery Charger with Single-phase H-bridge Boost SMR 86
4.2.2 Battery Charger with Single-phase Bridgeless Boost SMR 87
4.2.3 Battery Charger with Three-phase Bridgeless DCM SMR 89
4.3 Buck DC/DC Based Charger 92
4.4 Development of Integrated Two-stage SMR Based Battery Chargers 94
4.4.1 Power Circuit 94
4.4.2 Control Scheme 98
4.5 Simulated and Experimental Results 100
4.5.1 Single-phase H-bridge Boost SMR Based Battery Charger 100
4.5.2 Single-phase Bridgeless Boost SMR Based Battery Charger 104
4.5.3 Three-phase Bridgeless DCM Boost SMR Based Battery Charger 109
5.1 Introduction 116
5.2 System Configurations and Functional Statements 116
5.3 Single-phase PWM Inverters 118
5.3.1 H-bridge SPWM Inverter 118
5.3.2 Some Possible Single-phase Three-wire Inverters 120
5.4 V2H Operation 120
5.4.1 Power Circuit 122
5.4.2 1P3W Inverter Control Scheme 123
5.4.3 Measured Results 127
5.5 V2G Operation 132
5.5.1 System Configuration and Functional Descriptions 132
5.5.2 Control Schemes 132
5.5.3 Measured Results 135
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