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作者(外文):Huang, Wei Lun
論文名稱(外文):Strategies of Neutral Point Voltage Regulation for NPC-based Modular Multilevel Converter
指導教授(外文):Cheng, Po Tai
口試委員(外文):Hou, Chung Chuan
Shieh, Jenn Jong
外文關鍵詞:Multilevel converterSTATCOMNPC
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  • 評分評分:*****
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Modular multilevel converter (MMC) has emerged as the mainstream of industrial mediumvoltage
applications recently for its flexibility in extension. A variety of MMC topologies have
been proposed for years. Among them, the NPC-based MMC is a combination of two conventional
multilevel topology which raises the output levels efficiently. Therefore, the NPC-based
MMC technique is more promising for high-power applications where the static var compensator
is chosen for verification in this thesis. Despite the advantage of NPC-based MMC is obvious, the NPC structure suffers from the neutral point voltage fluctuation inevitably. Accordingly, this thesis presents a control method to address the NPC-based MMC which is adapted from the average power balancing (APB) technique proposed by author’s laboratory. Compared with original APB, an additional neutral point
voltage balancing control is embedded. Consequently, the adapted method balances not only the
DC voltage of each cell, but also the voltage of upper and lower capacitor within every cell. To
verify the proposed method, a test bench of STATCOM implemented with NPC-based MMC has
been constructed and laboratory test results are presented to validate the performance of proposed method.
Abstract i
Acknowledgment ii
List of tables v
List of figures vi
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Circuit topology 3
1.3 Thesis organization 4
2 Literature review 5
2.1 Introduction 5
2.2 Modulation technique 6
2.3 Average power balancing with zero-sequence voltage injection 9
2.4 Offset injection for 5-level NPC-bridge 26
3 Operation Principle 38
3.1 Introduction 38
3.2 Vector plane of single-phase NPC-bridge 40
3.3 Unipolar PWM technique on vector plane 42
3.4 Control block diagram 61
4 Laboratory Test Results 64
4.1 Introduction 64
4.2 Function validation of STATCOM realized with NPC-based MMC 67
4.3 Experimental test results of neutral point voltage balancing control 71
5 Conclusion and Future Work 118
5.1 Conclusion 118
5.2 Future work 119
Reference 120
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