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作者(外文):Chang, Yi Ting
論文名稱(中文):A Swift Compensation for Unbalanced Load and Peak Current Limit Control Based on Delta-Connected Cascaded H-Bridge Converter
指導教授(外文):Cheng, Po Tai
外文關鍵詞:Modular Multilevel Cascaded Converter based on Single Delta Bridge Cells (MMCC-SDBC)Unbalanced load compensationSTATCOMCapacitor voltage balancing controlPeak Current Limit Control
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  • 評分評分:*****
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This thesis presents the application of a Delta-Connected Cascaded H-bridge Converter in unbalanced load compensation. The compensation includes positive-sequence reactive power compensation, negative-sequence current compensation, and low-frequency distortion compensation. The controller is designed by power flow analysis which achieves the dc capacitor voltage balancing by Zero-Sequence Current (ZSC) injection during negative-sequence current compensation. Nevertheless, the zero-sequence current injection raises the peak of phase current which may damage the switches of the converter. For avoiding the risk of over-current, this thesis also proposes a Peak Current Limit Control (PCLC) in delta-connected cascaded converter. Laboratory and simulation test results are provided to validate the proposed method.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Organization of the thesis 3
Chapter 2 Literature Review 4
2.1 Introduction 4
2.2 Modulation Technique 4
2.3 DC buses Voltage Balancing Control Based on MMCC-SSBC & MMCC-SDBC 6
2.3.1 Dr. Akagi’s Zero-Sequence Current Method Based on 7-level MMCC-SDBC 6
2.3.2 Laboratory’s Zero-Sequence Voltage Method Based on 7-level MMCC-SSBC 14
Chapter 3 Operation Principle 24
3.1 Introduction 24
3.2 Power Flow Analysis 25
3.2.1 Definition and Instantaneous Power Flow Concept 25
3.2.2 The Overall Voltage Balancing Control 28
3.2.3 The Clustered Voltage Balancing Control Based on ZSC Injection 30
3.2.4 The Individual Voltage Balancing Control 38
3.3 Unbalanced Load Compensation and Proposed PCLC 39
3.4 The Current Controller 45
3.5 The Control Block Diagram 49
Chapter 4 Test Benches 51
4.1 Introduction 51
4.2 Star-Connected Cascaded H-Bridge Converter 52
4.3 Delta-Connected Cascaded H-Bridge Converter 55
4.4 Unbalanced Load 58
Chapter 5 Simulation Results 61
5.1 Introduction 61
5.2 Proposed Unbalanced Load Compensation 61
5.3 Laboratory’s ZSC Voltage Balancing Control Method 65
5.4 Summary 68
Chapter 6 Laboratory Test Results 68
6.1 Introduction 68
6.2 Proposed Peak Current Limit Control and Low-Frequency
Distortion Compensation 68
6.2.1 Laboratory’s ZSC Voltage Balancing Method 69
6.2.2 Low-Frequency Distortion Compensation 72
6.2.3 Proposed Peak Current Limit Control 75
6.3 Dr. Akagi’s ZSC Method Based on MMCC-SDBC 82
6.4 Laboratory’s ZSV method Based on MMCC-SSBC 84
6.5 Summary 88
Chapter 7 Conclusion and Future Work 89
7.1 Conclusion 89
7.2 Future Work 90
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