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作者(外文):Chen, Meng Hsuan
論文名稱(外文):On small clauses and nominal predicates in Mandarin Chinese
指導教授(外文):Lien, Chin Fa
口試委員(外文):Tsai, Wei Tien
Hsieh, Fu Hui
外文關鍵詞:nominal predicatesmall clausecopulaKIPPDP
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引領漢語小句結構的句法標籤為PredP, 其中標誌語用來引介小句賓語,補足語被謂語所佔據,而中心語負責銜接主語及謂語,確保謂語關係得以建立,由隱性的繫詞’BE’、抑或顯性的繫詞’是’、’做’來帶領。漢語繫詞應當更細分為表狀態繫詞,及表動態或狀態改變的繫詞,兩者所帶的事件論元不同。

‘稱呼’及‘叫’ 選擇靜態的事件做為補語,且此事件只能由隱性繫詞帶領,否則主語及名詞性謂語之間的主謂關係將被破壞。第二類動詞為認知情態動詞,此類動詞同樣限制小句句式需為表示狀態事件,隱性繫詞或顯性繫詞 ‘是’皆可。第三類動詞語意上帶有狀態改變(change of state)意涵,因此要求自身小句補語需帶有動態事件性,此類事件性由繫詞’做’所引領。

採用Zamparelli 2000的理論,小句中名詞性謂語的句法及語意息息相關,不同的句法階層投射都牽涉到了新的語意概念,漢語光桿名詞性謂語(bare nominal predicate) 以及專有名詞其句法位置在最下層的KIP階層,語意上傳達出純粹的屬性(property)及種類(kind)意涵。置於中間階層的為表達數量(quanoty)及數值(cardinality)意涵的PDP階層,最上層的則為出現在論元位置的SDP, 位於此階層的名詞組都帶有指涉性(referential)。
This thesis aims to investigate the construction that has been called Small Clause, whose structure has been subject to much debate for a long time since this term firstly appeared in Williams (1975) and the hierarchical structure of nominal predicates in Mandarin Chinese has received scanty attention in the past. The main assumptions in this thesis is structured around three associated issues.
First, the analysis of the internal structure of small clauses and the dependent relationship holding between the subject and the predicate is provided. I have shown that copulas (covert or overt) play a crucial role in mediating the subject-predicate relationship between the subject and its predicate syntactically and semantically introducing a state or dynamic eventuality into the clause. In addition, it is found out that there are three copulas that can be inserted into the small clause, the patterns of syntactic distributions and semantic features setting these three copulas apart; in particular, the semi-copula zuo implies a change and a coming of states, whereas copulas BE and shi describe a state.
Second, the selectional restriction holding between the matrix verb and the entire small clause construction has been investigated. It is suggested that verbs taking the small clause as a complement can be divided into three types: verbs of calling including jiao ‘call’, chenghu ’call’, epistemic verbs, typically dang ‘consider’ and change of state verbs such as xuan ‘choose’, qu ‘marry’ and ren ‘accept’. The calling-verbs take the stative eventuality as a complement, headed by the null copula BE. Syntactically, the null copula is defective in that it cannot support a complex nominal structure except for bare nouns. The epistemic verb also prefers a state of being event, which can be headed by the null copula BE or the overt copula shi. If the clause is headed by shi, the nominal predicate structure can be not-bare, indicating a quantity meaning. Change of state verbs take a dynamic copula zuo only, accompanied by the additional meaning become.
Third, I propose that nominal expressions in Mandarin Chinese is a layered structure, composed of three distinct functional projections, in which SDP is linked to Referential, PDP is associated with Numerability, and KIP is related to the Delimitability. Nominal predicates do not project the SDP layer for it cannot be referential. As for PDP and KIP, I suggest that count nouns and proper names are base-generated in KIP layer. Notably, classifiers in Mandarin Chinese should be further divided into count-classifiers and massifiers. The [Num-Count classifier] sequence marked as [+Numerability] is mapped onto the PDP layer, associated with the quantity meaning. By contrast, to project the KIP, mass nouns must be coupled with massifiers to denote a property meaning.
Chinese Abstract i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgements iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Tables v
List of Abbreviations vi

Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Copula in small clause 7
2.1 Copula system 7
2.1.1 Copular sentence 7
2.1.2 Copula 9
2.1.3 Copulas in Mandarin Chinese 17
2.2 The categorial node of small clause 34
Chapter 3 Subcategorized Nominal Predicate 47
3.1 Previous studies 47
3.1.1 Tang (1988) Parameterization of Features in Syntax 47
3.1.2 Wei (2007) Nominal predication in Mandarin Chinese 53
3.2 Specific verbs vs. subcategorized small clause structure 57
Chapter 4 Layers of nominal predicate in Mandarin Chinese 74
4.1 Roy (2013) Nonverbal predication 74
4.2 Internal syntax of nominal predicate 80
Chapter 5 Conclusion 95
Further Study 97
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蔡維天. 2002. 一、二、三,《語言學論叢》第二十六輯, 北京:商務印書館。
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