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作者(外文):Chen, Lynn W. L.
論文名稱(外文):Using modified formal concept analysis to explore the evolutions of the patent infringement litigations
指導教授(外文):Amy J. C. Trappey
口試委員(外文):Charles V. Trappey
Hou, Adam Jiang-Liang
外文關鍵詞:Patent infringement litigationText miningData miningFormal concept analysis
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在競爭激烈的全球市場中,特別是知識密集產業,專利被用於聲張企業其智慧財產權(IPR)或抵禦來自其他企業的侵權訴訟威脅。同時,一些非專利實施實體(Non-Practice Entity, NPE)則將專利作為侵權訴訟的籌碼,積極尋求專利商業化授權機會,期望賺取最終獲判或和解所得之授權金利益。以通訊產業為例,行動通訊技術的領導廠商,如Qualcomm、Ericsson、近期崛起的大陸廠商華為、中興,主導了該產業許多核心專利。近年來,不乏國際通訊大廠及NPE涉入專利侵權訴訟。專利訴訟不僅其進行的時間非常冗長,從起訴到陪審團審理結束約需耗費2~3年,訴訟的費用更是高得令人瞠目結舌。因此,本研究目的在以電腦輔助文字探勘與改良式正規化概念分析等分析方法,建構專利侵權訴訟分析方法論,探討專利侵權判例文件及其系爭專利的演進歷程及關連性模式。本論文以行動資通訊產業NPE Wi-LAN對同業廠商的訴訟及系爭專利,為運用此分析方法的案例研究載具,依照其訴訟和系爭專利之實際組合進行分群解析,研判未來具訴訟發展可能的系爭專利組合及演進,使行動資通訊業者充分瞭解NPE侵權訴訟及系爭專利內涵,防範未來可能面臨的訴訟風險。此研究的創新處在於建立了兩個層級的改良式正規化概念分析 (Modified Formal Concept Analysis, MFCA) 演進模式分析,一為判例演進歷程,另一為系爭專利技術群集之演進歷程分析。兩者相互交叉比對後,再以國際專利碼 (CPC) 研判其他相似專利,運用電腦輔助分析方法使技術創新發展及專利侵權演進,得到快速清楚的解析與認知,協助特定產業(以行動資通訊為例)進行專利攻防及研發策略之精確研擬。
In a competitive global marketplace, patents are used to claim the intellectual property right (IPR) and against the threat of litigation infringement from the competitor. On the other hand, some of non-practice entities (NPE) often use patents as a weapon to seek patent licensing and patent commercialization aggressively. For instance, in the mobile communication industry, there are many NPEs initiated patent lawsuits against manufacturer. A patent infringement lawsuit in the courts can be a very lengthy process, and the cost is extremely expensive. In order to avoid the NPE’s patent infringement litigations and understand the patterns of NPE's legal actions and the disputed patent trends, this research uses a NPE called “Wi-LAN” as an example and focuses on developing Modified Formal Concept Analysis (MFCA) approach to explore two levels of evolutions with respect to the IP infringement lawsuits and their disputed patents. Two MFCA models are constructed to observe the evolution of litigation and the disputed patents, the inter-related trends and developments. The disputed patents are grouped based on the common sets of disputed patents in the same group of litigations, and then illustrate the evolution progress of each group respectively. Finally, CPC classification is used to search the patents that similar with the disputed patents. The research provides the mobile communication manufactures with the analyses of related patents NPE holds to prevent infringement from re-occurring. Further, the research provides mobile communication industry with additional IPR references based on the litigation evolutions, the disputed patent trends, and their similar patents for future R&D directions and IP management strategies.
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 III
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 2
1.3 研究步驟與流程 2
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1 專利侵權訴訟 4
2.2 知識本體論 7
2.3 文字探勘 8
2.4 正規化概念分析 12
2.4.1 正規化概念分析定義 12
2.4.2 正規化文本 14
2.4.3 概念點陣 14
2.5 長期演進技術 17
2.5.1 載波聚合 (CA) 技術 18
2.5.2 多輸入多輸出 (MIMO) 技術 20
2.5.3 協調式多點傳送與接收 (CoMP) 技術 20
2.5.4 正交分頻多工 (OFDM) 技術 21
第三章 方法論 22
3.1 資料蒐集 24
3.2 判例及系爭專利之關鍵詞彙解析 26
3.3 改良式正規化概念分析 30
3.4 動態點陣 37
第四章 案例分析 44
4.1 Wi-LAN演進分析 44
4.2 4G LTE/LTE-A知識本體論 57
4.3 專利相似度分析 60
第五章 侵權判例與系爭專利分析系統 70
第六章 研究結論與建議 79
參考文獻 81
附錄一、正規化概念分析演算法 88
附錄二、MFCA演算法 90
附錄三、Wi-LAN之侵權判例及其系爭專利 91
附錄四、Wi-LAN系爭專利清單 95
附錄五、系爭專利key phrases詞意對照表 97
附錄六、判例key phrases詞意對照表 99
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