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作者(外文):Chang Chien, Chih Chieh
論文名稱(外文):Developing New Variables Multiple Dependent State Sampling Plan for Products with Unilateral Specification Limit
指導教授(外文):Wu, Chien Wei
口試委員(外文):Chang, Kuo Hao
Liao, Mou Yuan
外文關鍵詞:Acceptance Sampling PlanProcess Capability IndicesMultiple Dependent State Sampling Plan
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  • 評分評分:*****
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近年來科技發展日新月異,消費者對於商品的需求考量,也逐漸由傳統的價格導向逐漸轉變為現在的品質考量,產品品質已成為目前企業具備競爭優勢的關注焦點之一。驗收抽樣計畫是一種統計品質管制工具,可有效率的判定貨批品質的好壞,許多學者提出許多驗收抽樣計畫之分類方式,依據檢驗所取得之資料型態可將驗收抽樣計畫區分為「計數型(Attributes)」及「計量型(Variables)」Seidel (1997)證實,在相同情況下,計量型驗收抽樣計畫不僅所獲得的資訊比計數型來的多且前者所需抽樣樣本數比後者來的少(所需成本相對較低)。

文獻上已有學者結合製程能力指標發展單次驗收抽樣計畫(Single Sampling Plan, SSP)及重複群集驗收抽樣計畫(Repetitive Group Sampling Plan, RGSP)。SSP與RGSP皆有操作簡單的優點,但並未考量先前送驗貨批之檢驗結果,可能造成檢驗效率不佳導致所需的檢驗成本過高。多重相依狀態抽樣計畫(Multiple Dependent State Sampling Plan, MDSSP)的觀念已被學者提出,MDSSP考量之前送驗貨批之檢驗結果使得檢驗效率提高,但到目前為止僅發展計數型多重相依狀態抽樣計畫。

本研究利用文獻上存在的SSP與RGSP結合MDSSP的概念與製程能力指標,主要針對具單邊規格界線產品發展出兩種計量型驗收抽樣計畫,分別計量型多重相依狀態抽樣計畫(Variables Multiple Dependent State Sampling Plan, VMDSSP)及計量型多重相依狀態重複群集抽樣計畫(Variable Multiple Dependent State Repetitive Group Sampling Plan, VMRGSP)。本研究於文中求解及彙整多種「品質水準」與「風險要求」組合之計畫參數值,並分析本研究所提出兩計量型驗收抽樣計畫與已存在計量型驗收抽樣計畫之差異,最後,將以實際範例來說明本研究所提出兩計量型驗收抽樣計畫之操作流程,進而呈現本研究之貢獻。
Acceptance sampling plans state the required sample size for inspection and the associated acceptance or rejection criteria for lot sentencing, which have been considered as one of practical tools for quality assurance application. There are several ways to classify acceptance sampling plans. One major classification is by data, i.e., variables and attributes. When a quality characteristic is measurable on continuous scale or very low fraction of defectives, it may be appropriate to use variables sampling plan rather than attributes sampling plan.

Several authors have incorporated Process Capability Indices(PCIs)to develop Single Sampling plan (SSP) and Repetitive Group Sampling Plan (RGSP). Both of them are simple to operate for administration, but it does not considerate the all the available information from the collected samples. The concept of Multiple Dependent State Sampling Plan (MDSSP) has been proposed. It considers the states of the preceding lots and can provide better efficiency of inspection, but it is only developed for attributes sampling plan.

In this thesis, we overcome the disadvantages of SSP and RGSP by considering the concept of MDSSP to develop two sampling plans, called Variables Multiple Dependent State Sampling Plan(VMDSSP)and Variables Multiple Dependent State Sampling Plan Repetitive Group Sampling Plan(VMRGSSP) based on the one-sided capability index. Finally, we will summarize the advantages of the proposed variables plans over than existing variables sampling plans.
第一章 緒論
1.1 研究背景與動機
1.2 研究目的
1.3 研究架構
第二章 文獻回顧
2.1 驗收抽樣計畫
2.1.1 驗收抽樣計畫簡介
2.1.2 驗收抽樣計畫相關文獻回顧
2.2 製程能力指標
2.3 單邊製程能力指標
2.3.1 單邊製程能力指標之估計式估計式之抽樣分配
2.3.2 單邊製程能力指標估計式之抽樣分配
2.3.3 單邊製程能力指標與製程良率之關係
2.3.4 單邊製程能力指標之假設檢定
第三章 多重相依狀態驗收抽樣計畫
3.1 多重相依狀態驗收抽樣計畫之介紹及其操作流程
3.2 基於單邊製程能力指標之計量型多重相依狀態驗收抽樣計畫 18
3.2.1 允收機率函數
3.2.2 計畫參數之數學模型
3.2.3 計畫參數之分析與討論
第四章 多重相依狀態重複群集驗收抽樣計畫
4.1 多重相依狀態重複群集驗收抽樣計畫之介紹及其操作流程
4.2 基於單邊製程能力指標之計量型多重相依狀態抽樣計畫
4.2.1 允收機率函數
4.2.2 計畫參數之數學模型
4.2.3 計畫參數之分析與討論
第五章 比較與探討
第六章 實際案例
第七章 結論與未來展望
7.1 結論
7.2 未來展望
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