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作者(外文):Lee, Lung Chou
論文名稱(外文):Using patent evolution to analyze the development trends of 3D printing biomedical application
指導教授(外文):Amy J.C. Trappey
口試委員(外文):Charles V. Trappey
Adam Jiang-Liang Hou
外文關鍵詞:additive manufacturing3D printingbiomedicalpatent analysisformal concept analysis
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  • 評分評分:*****
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現今科技日新月異,許多新興科技不斷出現,其中3D列印即是目前較為熱門的新興科技之ㄧ,多數的國家與企業都爭相投入該技術進行研發。3D列印相較於傳統製造其特點為可製造出任意不規則形狀之產品,且適合少量客製化之生產模式,而此些特性非常適合應用於生物醫療領域,病患所需的體外輔助支架、體內仿生支架以及植體,都必須要依據病患之特定需求,為其量身定做。生醫領域中,利用3D列印技術不僅可以大幅降低原本昂貴之醫療器材成本,也可以在手術前先進行模擬,減少手術風險,進而提升醫療之品質。本研究以系統化的方式與專利分析手法探討3D列印目前應用於生醫領域之發展趨勢。首先,利用全球專利資料庫檢索及蒐集相關專利,接著,透過資料探勘與文字探勘技術,從專利文件中動態地擷取出關鍵字,並經由與領域專家之訪談,驗證所挑選關鍵字之正確性。所擷取出的關鍵字可將專利進行分群及相似度分析,再採用正規化概念分析(formal concept analysis, FCA)做為趨勢分析之手法,並以圖形化的方式展現分析結果,使其更容易掌握趨勢走向,藉此,可清楚地辨識該技術之研發機會與潛力,期望透過本研究可提供台灣廠商做為參考資訊,以便進入該領域制定發展策略並迴避現有之專利佈局。
Additive manufacturing (AM or called 3D printing) is a rapidly emerging technology, which enables mass customization for industrial and consumer products. Most of the countries and enterprises are actively involving in the R&D of the AM technologies. The features of AM or 3D printing applications for one-of-the-kind or small quantity of products are very suitable for manufacturing biomedical parts or devices. For example, the auxiliary prosthetic parts in vitro, bionic scaffold in vivo, or explants must be produced based on the patients' specifications. This research analyzes patent evolution to explore 3D printing technology innovations applied specifically. First, the related patents are searched and collected from the global patent databases. Then, through text mining and data mining, the key concepts of patents are dynamically extracted based on the key terms. The extracted and ranked key terms are treated as attributes in patent clustering and similarity analysis. Finally, we use the modified formal concept analysis (MFCA) as a way to analyze technology trends and graphically display of the MFCA results for four clusters of patents. The opportunities and potential of AM R&D in the biomedical domains are visualized based on the MFCA evolution map. This research can provide advanced AM R&D and IP information to domestic enterprises in the industry for formulating their strategies and avoiding patent infringement.
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
表目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
一、緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機與目的 3
1.3研究架構與流程 4
二、文獻探討 6
2.1 3D列印概述 6
2.1.1立體生物列印 7
2.1.2生醫輔助支架 9
2.1.3 3D列印於生醫領域之應用 10
2.2專利分析 12
2.2.1專利地圖 13
2.2.2專利分群 14
2.3本體論 15
2.4知識探勘 16
2.4.1資料探勘 17
2.4.2文字探勘 18
2.5技術預測分析 19
2.6正規化概念分析 21
三、研究方法 27
3.1專利蒐集及字詞擷取 28
3.2專利技術本體論架構 32
3.3專利分群 33
3.4動態專利點陣分析 35
四、3D列印生醫領域應用分析 41
4.1平台系統建構 41
4.2 3D列印生醫相關專利文件蒐集 49
4.3 3D列印生醫領域專利分群 53
4.4 3D列印生醫領域專利技術本體論架構 55
4.5 3D列印生醫領域專利演進分析 59
五、結論與建議 69
六、參考文獻 71
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