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作者(外文):Hsu, Mao Kai
論文名稱(外文):Campaign Planning for Multi-Purpose Plants of Pharmaceutical Industry: Decision Model and Empirical Study
指導教授(外文):Chang, Kuo Hao
Hsieh, Liam Yuehfeng
口試委員(外文):Wu, Chien Wei
Hou, Jiang-Liang
外文關鍵詞:campaign planningschedulingmulti-purpose plantsbatch production
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:473
  • 評分評分:*****
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Batch production is highly used in chemical process industries such as pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food processing, etc. A few typical characteristics common in these industries are the long setup time and the long cleaning time. To minimize the cost and the frequency needed for the changeovers, the plants are operated in campaign mode. However, the products are often sold in small quantities with the fluctuating demands, the multi-purpose plants are preferred. While the multi-purpose plants gains the flexibility for the production planning, it becomes much more complex to decide how to run the plants, when and in what amount of different product should be made. In this paper, we study the planning problem in pharmaceutical industry and build a mathematical and decision model to characterize it. An empirical study is conducted to demonstrate the viability of the proposed model.
一、緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與重要性 1
1-2 研究動機與目的 3
1-3 論文架構 3
二、文獻探討 5
2-1 連續性批次生產之計劃問題(CPP) 5
2-2 求解方式 5
2-2-1 數學規劃方法 5
2-2-2 離散型數學模型 6
2-2-3 連續型數學模型 6
2-3 模糊邏輯 7
三、問題定義 11
3-1 問題描述 11
3-2 實際生產行為 16
四、決策模型 22
4-1 目標式 24
4-2 分配限制式 26
4-3 排序限制式 26
4-4 生產路徑限制式 27
4-5 換線限制式 28
4-6 需求限制式 29
4-7 模糊推論系統(FIS) 30
五、實證案例 42
5-1 GDS Plan與ADS Plan之比較 42
5-2 實例研究 45
六、結論與未來研究 48
6-1 結論 48
6-2 未來研究 48
參考文獻 50
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