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作者(外文):Ku, Shun An
論文名稱(外文):Analysis of Circuits and Primary Magnetic Components in Non-contact Power Sources
指導教授(外文):Wang, Pei Jen
外文關鍵詞:Non-contact Power systemMagnetic AnalysisResonant Circuits
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:135
  • 評分評分:*****
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In recent years, as the consumer electronics devices have become popular, quick and convenient electric charging technology is the development highlight in mobile devices; hence, wireless charging technology has gradually become perceptive in the world. Up to date, electromagnetic induction and electromagnetic resonance are the dominant wireless charging techniques whereas electromagnetic induction may exhibit limited power transfer distance, but it is theoretically easier in design so that most wireless charging products are based upon the electromagnetic induction technique. The objectives of this thesis are to establish a non-contact power system based upon electromagnetic induction, and to analyze the resonance circuits so that the energy transfer efficiency is improved.
In this thesis, we started with the analysis of the primary components of an induction cooker with analysis of induction coils and power ferrites by magnetic models for simulation of dynamic electromagnetic responses. First, we redesigned and optimized the power ferrites to improve the magnetic coupling coefficient. Then, we simulated the driving circuits and compared with experimental results. In addition, we designed a sinusoidal driving circuit for further analysis of the energy transfer efficiency. Finally, a commercial class-D power amplifier was used as a sinusoidal driving source in order to conduct both open-circuit and short-circuit tests to extract the parameters of equivalent circuit. With consideration in impedance matching via parallel capacitor compensation, the power factor and total power transfer efficiency is improved significantly.
摘 要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII
符號文字說明 XII
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 文獻回顧 2
1-2-1 電磁感應 3
1-2-2 電磁共振 4
1-3 研究目的 5
第二章 理論介紹 10
2-1 非接觸式充電之系統架構 10
2-2 感應線圈之工作原理 10
2-2-1 安培定律 11
2-2-2 法拉第定律 11
2-3 重要參數 12
2-3-1 自感 12
2-3-2 互感 13
2-3-3 耦合係數 13
2-4 磁性材料與磁滯 14
2-5 諧振電路 15
2-5-1 RLC串聯諧振 17
2-5-2 RLC並聯諧振 18
2-6 開路測試及短路測試 19
2-6-1 開路測試 20
2-6-2 短路測試 21
第三章 靜磁場模擬及電路分析 30
3-1 電磁場及系統分析軟體介紹 30
3-2 耦合線圈模型建構與分析 31
3-3 電磁爐內部激磁電路分析 33
3-3-1 PWM訊號之參數決定 34
3-3-2 耦合係數之參數決定 34
3-3-3 模擬分析 35
3-4 弦波驅動分析 35
第四章 弦波驅動電路實測與分析 54
4-1 電路系統架構 54
4-2 驅動電路之實測 55
4-3 功率實測 57
第五章 結論與未來工作 73
5-1 結果與討論 73
5-2 未來工作 74
參考文獻 75
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