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作者(外文):Li, Zong Lin
論文名稱(外文):Sealed Pad Hydrostatic Bearing: Single Pad Unit Basic Development
指導教授(外文):Tsao, Che Chih
口試委員(外文):Sung, Cheng-Kuo
Lin, Shih-Chieh
外文關鍵詞:hydrostatic bearingsealed padseal
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本研究提出一種封閉式油腔液靜壓軸承概念,借用機械式油封(Mechanical Seal)之概念,在油腔開口外增加油封,將液壓油密封在油腔內,免去傳統液靜壓軸承的複雜循環系統,此種軸承可視為一般液靜壓與輕載滑動軸承的組合,在理論上可以達到次微米的精度。本研究透過實作小型軸承實驗原型裝置與油封,驗證封閉式油腔液靜壓軸承概念的可行性。研究主軸為封閉式油腔液靜壓軸承之運動性能與油封之密封能力。摩擦係數從內部無供壓時之摩擦係數0.15,供壓後下降至0.077或更低,表示封閉式油腔液靜壓軸承在油腔內有壓力支撐時可以顯著的減少摩擦力;軸承與實驗系統整體之重複精度,行程1mm時約3~5μm,受限於較簡易之驅動與裝配方式,因此仍有改善空間;而油封的密封能力與表面粗糙度、平面度及油封面接觸壓力有關,將油封與滑動面表面研磨至同機械式油封之條件後可初步密封,並可透過軸承的設計參數,改變自封壓力比進而影響油封面與油腔密封壓力。目前經研究後改良的軸承實驗原型,已能夠以最初構想之封閉式油腔液靜壓軸承概念運作,壓力下降之小洩漏量可利用微型之補償裝置補足,實現小型化之液靜壓軸承系統。
This research studies a new concept of sealed pad hydrostatic bearing. The goal of this development is to remove or reduce the cost issues associated with complex circulatory systems of traditional hydrostatic bearings. Based on the concept of mechanical seal, a sealing bearing element is added to the opening of a pressurized fluid pocket in contact with a guideway to prevent or at least significantly reduce fluid leaking. The hydrostatic pressure in the pocket still takes most of the load. Thus, this new sealed pad hydrostatic bearing is a combination of a traditional hydrostatic bearing with lightly loaded sliding contact bearing. The key issues of this new bearing concept are positioning/motion precision and sealing ability. These issues are studied experimentally by building and testing several prototype bearing devices with different sealing bearing materials. Test results show that several polished bearing guideway material pairs can achieve a positioning precision between 1-5μm under the condition of contacting pressure on the solid sealing bearing element up to 0.4-2.0 MPa. It is believed that this precision can be further improved by refining the prototypes and test setups. The friction coefficient was measured to be comparable to that of a regular sliding contact bearing. At these solid contact pressure levels, fluid pressure inside the pocket can be from 10% to 80% of the contacting pressure on the solid sealing bearing element, depending on allowed fluid leakage rate.
圖目錄 … V
表目錄 … IX
1.1動機與目的 … 1
1.2文獻回顧 … 4
2. 封閉式油腔液靜壓軸承的基本概念 … 5
3. 設計研究
3.1研究方法 … 11
3.2.1軸承運動精度 … 13
3.2.2軸承摩擦係數 … 25
3.2.3軸承運動性能總結 … 37
3.3.1軸承體密封性 … 39
3.3.2油封密封性 - 油封與滑軌拋光 … 41
3.3.3油封密封性 - 油封及滑軌之接觸 … 47
3.3.4油封密封性 - 自封壓力比 … 49
3.3.5軸承密封能力總結 … 62
3.4.1軸承實驗原型一 … 63
3.4.2受力與形變分析 … 68
3.4.3軸承實驗原型二 … 70
3.4.4軸承實驗原型三 … 73
3.4.5軸承設計總結 … 77
4. 未來系統之概念設計
4.1解決壓力降低問題 … 78
4.2新原型機設計 … 81
5.結論 … 83
附錄一:軸承原型設計圖 … 86
附錄二:平面度量測 … 90
附錄三:Turcite滑動貼面 … 92
參考資料 … 93
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