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作者(外文):Li, Yen Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Optical Design of a thin see-through Head-Mounted Display Device with Liquid Crystal on Silicon
指導教授(外文):Liu, Cheng-Hsien
口試委員(外文):Chen, Cheng Huan
Tsai, Chao Hsu
外文關鍵詞:Head-Mounted DisplayCombinerSee-through
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Application of Head-Mounted Display (HMD) to wearable devices such as military helmets and smart glasses brings us a further step to smart life. However, most of existing smart glasses are equipped with projecting light bars in front of glasses. When people see projected images through splitting prism of the light bar, they may feel the appearance and balance of weights affected. In addition, most light bars are placed at the corner of field of view, enforcing users to rotate their eyes to the corner to read messages or images. This design is neither natural nor fits human visual behavior.
The research is aimed at resolving the problem by using optical simulators to simulate different combiner of HMD to narrow the volume of HMD. We hope to make HMD see-through like general glasses or windshield and reduce demand for traditional light bars. In addition, the image can be displayed next to or in the middle of the field of view depending on users’ needs. The enhancement of application scope and convenience can better satisfy customers’ anticipation.
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 3
1.3 論文架構 5
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2.1 HMD設計 6
2.1.1. 自由曲面 (Free-Form-Surface, FFS) 6
2.1.2. 陣列面鏡/稜鏡(Array prism/mirror) 8
2.1.3. 曲面反射鏡(Curved mirror) 9
2.1.4. 全像光學元件(Holographic Optical Element, HOE) 10
第三章 基本知識 13
3.1 頭戴式顯示器之主要架構與元件 13
3.1.1. 訊號光源(Display Image Source) 14
3.1.2. 物鏡組(Objective lens) 21
3.1.3. 合光元件(Optical Combiner) 21
3.2 設計考量因素 23
3.2.1. 放大率(Magnification) 23
3.2.2. 容眼距(Eye relief) 24
3.2.3. 調制轉換函數(Modulation Transfer Function, MTF) 24
3.2.4. 畸變(Distortion) 25
3.3 輻度學 27
3.3.1. 立體角(Solid Angle, Ω) 27
3.3.2. 輻射通量(Radiant Flux, Φe) 27
3.3.3. 輻射強度(Radiant Intensity, I) 28
3.3.4. 輻射照度(Irradiance, E) 28
3.3.5. 輻射輝度(Radiance, L) 29
3.4 光度學(Photometry) 29
3.4.1. 光通量(Luminous Flux, Φv) 29
3.5 全反射(Total Internal Reflection, TIR) 30
3.6 導光板(Light Guide Plate) 31
3.7 場色序(Field-Sequential-Color, FSC) 32
3.8 立體視覺原理 33
3.8.1. 心理視深因子 34
3.8.2. 生理視深因子 35
第四章 頭戴式顯示系統設計 37
4.1 薄化HMD 39
4.1.1. 光路構想 39
4.1.2. 訊號光源 40
4.1.3. 模擬結果 41
4.2 交叉式光路HMD 48
4.2.1. 光路構想 48
4.2.2. 訊號光源 48
4.2.3. 模擬結果 52
4.3 雙眼式HMD 54
4.3.1. 光路構想 54
4.3.2. 模擬結果 55
4.3.3. 系統架設與拍攝 56
第五章 結論與未來展望 59
5.1. 結論 59
5.2. 未來展望 59
參考文獻 61
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