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作者(外文):Hsiao, Yung Neng
論文名稱(外文):Application of Refractive/Diffractive Beam Shaping for Line Beam Laser Processing and Addictive Manufacturing System
指導教授(外文):Liu, Cheng Hsien
外文關鍵詞:beam shapinglaser processing systemaddictive manufacturing
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  • 評分評分:*****
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Beam shaping is the technique to change the energy distribution of the light beam. With the increasing demands for the applications of laser, the Gaussian energy distribution laser needs to transfer to flat-top distribution in some applications, such as laser processing, semiconductor processing and laser medical treatments.
The line beam laser processing could be used for the annealing processing of the flat panel display and the solar panel production, or laser lift-off in the semiconductor processing. Most of laser line beam processing systems use multi-mode laser along with lenslet array as the homogenizer to achieve good uniformity. However the high coherency of the signal mode laser generates the interference patterns, which deteriorate the uniformity of light. In the article, by using the etching technique of MEMS to design and fabricate the cylindrical one-dimension reflective diffuser, which could solve the coherency problem causing bad uniformity by the single mode laser. By combining the diffuser with the lenslet array refractive system we could transfer the point light source into the high homogeneity line beam.
Addictive manufacturing which is popular and developed gives a new way for the manufacturing, and it is widely used in many areas. The demands for the dimension are more and more accuracy. The highest resolution addictive manufacturing systems commonly use two-photon polymerization (TPP) with a microscopic objective lens that could break through the diffraction limit. The article predicts to use the diffractive method that uses two phase type LCOS spatial light modulator along with the computer holograms to shape the Gaussian laser beam into the flat-top distribution point source. Then overlap parts of the two points to create a new point that could improve the processing size or accuracy. Besides, using TPP method solidifies the resin, and expects to reach the small dimension demands.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目標 3
第二章 雷射光束整形相關技術探討 4
2.1 雷射光束整形文獻回顧 4
2.1.1 光罩式元件 4
2.1.2 反射式元件 4
2.1.3 折射式元件 5
2.1.4 繞射式元件 6
2.2 干涉消除元件 8
第三章 積層製造技術文獻回顧 11
3.1 Fused Deposition Molding (FDM) 11
3.2 Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM) 12
3.3 3D Printer (3DP) 13
3.4 Stereo Lithography Apparatus (SLA) 13
3.5 Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) 14
3.6 SLA分類 14
3.6.1 Mask projection 14
3.6.2 雙(多)光子吸收致聚合 18
第四章 相關光學原理 23
4.1 高斯光束 23
4.2 全像術 24
4.3 繞射光學 27
4.3.1 純量繞射理論 28
4.3.2 近場與遠場繞射 28
4.4 電腦全像術 31
4.5 疊代傅立葉演算法 32
4.5.1 Gerchberg-Saxton演算法 32
4.5.2 The Generalized Adaptive Additive Algorithm演算法 33
4.5.3 Gerchberg-Saxton Weight演算法 34
4.5.4 Fienup with don’t care演算法 35
第五章 線型雷射系統設計與實驗 37
5.1 線形雷射加工系統 37
5.1.1 光束均化器選擇 38
5.1.2 干涉消除裝置 39 滾筒式一維反射式散射片製作 39 滾筒式一維反射式散射片設計 43
5.1.3 實驗與結果 47
第六章 積層製造系統模擬與實驗 49
6.1 LCOS顯示器介紹 49
6.2 材料及製程步驟介紹 50
6.3 數值方法確認疊合情況 52
6.4 電腦全像演算法模擬與實驗 54
6.4.1 演算法評估參數介紹 56
6.4.2 不同演算法模擬及實驗 57
6.4.3 演算法能量不均問題 66
6.4.4 Mixed-region amplitude freedom alogorithm演算法 67
6.5 不同目標振幅大小測試 70
6.6 雙光點疊合模擬及實驗 76
6.7 初步材料加工實驗 83
第七章 結論與未來工作 88
參考文獻 89
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