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作者(外文):Ou, Kuan Hung
論文名稱(中文):改善CMOS-MEMS Pirani 真空計感測範圍之設計
論文名稱(外文):Improvement of CMOS-MEMS Pirani Vacuum Gauge Dynamic Range
指導教授(外文):Fang, Wei Leun
口試委員(外文):Li, Sheng Shian
Su, Wang Shen
外文關鍵詞:CMOS-MEMSPirani vacuum gaugeHeaterHeat sinkMeander-shapedSpiral-shapedParallel connectionSeries connectionThermal resistance
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本研究採用CMOS標準製程(TSMC 0.35μm 2P4M Process)並配合後製程金屬濕蝕刻來開發CMOS-MEMS Pirani真空計(Pirani vacuum gauge)。Pirani真空計結構由熱源(Heater)與散熱片(Heat sink)所組成,其感測原理為先對熱源加熱,而藉由不同壓力下之空氣熱傳導特性,使熱源產生溫度變化進而造成阻值改變,藉由阻值改變來判定待測系統之真空度。相較於先前實驗團隊所開發的Pirani真空計[1],本研究針對低壓感測範圍設計了兩種不同結構之真空計元件,一種為蛇狀(Meander-shaped)結構,另一種為螺旋狀(Spiral-shaped)結構。蛇狀結構主要是用來探討,結構內部電性並聯(Parallel connection)與串聯(Series connection)在不同熱源長度下對於元件性能造成的影響。前面第一種結構所探討之結果引入螺旋狀結構設計,主要特點相較於先前實驗團隊所設計之真空計,有著更小的元件面積(Footprint),除此之外還保有一樣低壓感測範圍的優點;整合上述,本研究針對改善低壓感測範圍相較於實驗團隊先前提升熱阻(Thermal resistance)之設計提出了不同種解決方案,經過量測驗證後,確實能提升Pirani真空計低壓感測性能。
This study is based on CMOS standard process (TSMC 0.35μm 2P4M process) with post-process, metal wet etching, to develop Pirani vacuum gauge. Generally, Pirani vacuum gauge is composited of heater and heat sink. The sensing theory is based on heating to heater, the temperature increase will result in resistance change because of thermal conductive property of air under different pressure. Due to this property, we can detect pressure change. Compared to previous Pirani vacuum gauge development [1], this study focuses on develop two types vacuum gauge devices with varying structures, Meander-shaped and Spiral-shaped, which can sense low pressure. We investigate Meander-shaped device parallel connection and series connection of inner structure under different heat length which will affect device performance. By the experiment results, we followed investigating Spiral-shaped device. Compared to previous work, it has favor characterization, smaller footprint. Besides, it also has advantage of sensing low pressure. Unlike previous researches which increase thermal resistance this study integrate these properties and improve the device performance. The results show that this strategy can actually promote vacuum gauge performance.

Key words:CMOS-MEMS、Pirani vacuum gauge、Heater、Heat sink、Meander-shaped、Spiral-shaped、Parallel connection、Series connection、Thermal resistance
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xv
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 真空檢測技術發展 2
1-3 研究動機 9
1-4 文獻回顧 10
1-4-1 Pirani真空計 11
1-4-2 CMOS-MEMS製程 18
1-5 研究目標 19
第二章 理論分析 57
2-1 氣體在不同壓力下之熱傳探討 57
2-2 真空計之理論分析 59
2-2-1操作原理 59
2-2-2理論公式 60
第三章 不同並、串聯電性蛇狀結構探討 65
3-1 結構設計與分析 65
3-2 CMOS-MEMS元件定義與後製程 66
3-3 製程結果與討論 69
3-4 量測結果與討論 70
3-4-1結構表面形貌量測 70
3-4-2熱源結構之溫度電阻係數量測 71
3-4-3真空計元件之壓力量測 72
3-5 小結 75
第四章 螺旋狀熱源結構設計 97
4-1 結構設計與分析 97
4-2 CMOS-MEMS元件之後製程 98
4-3 製程結果與討論 99
4-4 量測結果與討論 100
4-4-1結構表面形貌量測 100
4-4-2熱源結構之溫度電阻係數量測 101
4-4-3真空計元件之壓力量測 102
4-5 小結 104
第五章 結論與未來工作 125
5-1 結論 125
5-2 未來工作 126

參考文獻 128
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