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作者(外文):Lu, Zheng-Yong
論文名稱(外文):Investigation of Stress Measurement of Glass Plates by Using Reflective Photoelasticity
指導教授(外文):Wang, Wei-Chung
口試委員(外文):Tsai, Hung-Yin
Aoh, Jong-Ning
外文關鍵詞:Reflective photoelasticityPhase shifting techniqueCorrection theory of reflective photoelasticitySnell’s lawFresnel equations
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本研究針對傳統反射式光彈法用於低應力光學係數之玻璃應力量測之準確性進行探討,並以傳統反射式光彈法所使用之四步相位移法為依據,導入菲涅耳方程式(Fresnel Equations)與司乃耳定律(Snell’s Law)於反射式光彈法之光強方程式中,提出修正型反射式光彈法理論以修正傳統反射式光彈法所忽略之前表面反射光強資訊。
By using the traditional reflective photoelasticity based on the four-step phase shifting technique, this research focuses on the accuracy of the stress measurement of glass plates of low stress-optic coefficient. Furthermore, this research combined the Fresnel equations and the Snell’s law into the light intensity of the traditional reflective photoelasticity to derive a correction theory of the light intensity of the traditional reflective photoelasticity. The correction theory includes the reflection light intensity of front surface of the material that the traditional reflective photoelasticity has ignored.
Principal stress differences of circular glass disks under the diametrical compression were measured. To verify the validity and accuracy of the correction theory and the correction procedure, the root mean square difference and average absolute difference percentage between the experimentally obtained and theoretical principal stress difference were calculated. By using the traditional reflective photoelasticity, the root mean square difference and average absolute difference percentage are 1.7889MPa and 36.32%, respectively. When the correction theory was used, the root mean square difference and average absolute difference percentage reduced to 0.0887MPa and 1.51%, respectively. The values are close to those of the root mean square difference and average absolute difference percentage obtained by using the transmission photoelasticity, i.e. 0.0869MPa and 1.23%. Therefore, the validity and accuracy of the correction theory of the reflective photoelasticity were confirmed.
一、 簡介 1
二、 文獻回顧 5
三、 實驗原理 9
3.1 光彈法 9
3.1.1 穿透式光彈法 9
3.1.2 反射式光彈法 12
3.2 相位移光彈理論[4] 13
3.3 四步相位移法對應反射式光彈法之修正 17
3.3.1 電場振幅之反射比及透射比[22] 17
3.3.2 菲涅耳方程式[23] 19
3.3.3 傳統反射式光彈法與修正式反射式光彈法之比較 22
3.3.4 反射式光彈法理論之修正(Correction Theory) 24 未受負載之情況 24 施加負載之情況 30 相位移法於反射式光彈之修正 32 相位移法於反射式光彈振幅光強項之計算 37
四、 實驗試片與裝置 40
4.1 實驗試片規劃 40
4.2 實驗裝置 40
五、 實驗量測與分析程序 44
5.1 實驗量測與分析程序 44
5.1.1 實驗量測程序 44
5.1.2 實驗分析程序 45
5.2 主應力差之理論解 48
六、 結果與討論 50
6.1 應力光學係數之量測與驗證 50
6.1.1 應力光學係數之量測 50
6.1.2 應力光學係數之驗證 52
6.2 修正式反射式光彈法理論驗證 53
6.3 穿透式光彈法及反射式光彈法之準確性探討 57
6.4 振幅光強項 59
七、 結論與未來展望 62
7.1 結論 62
7.2 未來展望 64
八、 參考文獻 65
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