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作者(外文):Chen, Jia Hong
論文名稱(外文):Analysis of Instrumentation Methods in Optical Performance of Soft Contact Lenses
指導教授(外文):Wang, Pei Jen
外文關鍵詞:Optical AberrationsWavefront SensorsContact Lenses
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:289
  • 評分評分:*****
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In optometry, spectacles and contact lenses are primary methods in vision correction; and, soft contact lenses have been widely used because of the convenience and comfort. Due to the flexibility in lens materials leading to lens deformation fitted on cornea, the optical performance of contact lenses may change after being worn on eyes with uneven cornea tomography. Therefore this thesis studies and designs a test jig for contact lens fitted with corneal shape; and, the test jig can emulate contact lenses fitted on the cornea with measured optical performance for verifications of the optical analysis.
In optics design and analysis, the third-order and higher aberrations would lead to distortion and blur in vision; hence, this thesis build a contact lens measurement system with a Shark-Hartmann wavefront sensor; and, the system can measure the aberrations and back vertex power of contact lens fitted on the test jig. In addition, the results of conventional wet-cell system are compared with the results of in-house built system. The accuracy of wet cell system is confirmed; while due to the cornea tomography variation induced spherical aberration, the back vertex power has more error from the test jig measurement. Since spherical aberration is prominent in fitting of contact lenses, both the simulations and experimental results show the spherical aberration of contact lens fitted on cornea surface is significant which is similar to the condition of lenses on the eyes. The results confirm the feasibility and potential of application of the test jig in the future.
摘要 I
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1-1研究背景 1
1-2研究目的 1
1-3文獻回顧 2
1-3-1隱形眼鏡之光學參數 2
1-3-2軟式隱形眼鏡在人眼上之特性 3
1-3-3眼球模型參數建立 4
1-3-4穿透式波前量測系統 6
1-3-5軟式隱形眼鏡屈光力量測方法 7
第二章 基礎理論 11
2-1 基礎光學理論 11
2-1-1費馬定理 11
2-1-2斯乃耳定律 11
2-1-3透鏡之近軸成像理論 12
2-1-4像差理論 12
2-2隱形眼鏡光學原理 14
2-2-1屈光力 14
2-2-2非球面之光學原理 14
2-2-3軟式隱形眼鏡屈光力量測轉換 15
2-3 波前重建 16
2-3-1澤尼克多項式 16
2-3-2波前量測 17
2-3-3波前重建方法 17
第三章 量測系統設計與模擬 26
3-1系統模擬分析說明 26
3-2隱形眼鏡模型建立 26
3-3角膜模型載具設計 27
3-4量測實驗系統設計 27
3-4-1傳統隱形眼鏡載具量測系統設計 28
3-4-2角膜模型載具量測系統設計 28
3-5波前感測器模擬與驗證 29
3-6隱形眼鏡度數換算方法 29
3-7隱形眼鏡量測模擬 31
3-7-1系統參數變化模擬 31
3-7-2不同光圈大小之量測模擬 32
3-7-3偏心情況之量測模擬 32
3-7-4度數量測誤差分析 33
3-7-5系統像差量測分析 34
第四章 隱形眼鏡量測實驗 48
4-1隱形眼鏡載具製作 48
4-1-1傳統隱形眼鏡載具 48
4-1-2角膜模型載具 48
4-2量測實驗架設 48
4-3量測實驗校準 50
4-3-1雷射光源與透鏡校準 50
4-3-2準直光束建立與校準 50
4-3-3待測隱形眼鏡校準 51
4-4軟式隱形眼鏡量測 51
4-5商用量測儀器 53
4-6量測實驗結果與討論 53
4-6-1隱形眼鏡度數量測 53
4-6-2隱形眼鏡像差量測 55
第五章 結論與未來工作 75
5-1結論 75
5-2未來工作 76
參考文獻 78
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