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作者(外文):Chen, Cheng Han
論文名稱(外文):Research and Development of Two-Photon Polymerization 3D Nano/Micro-Machining System
指導教授(外文):Fu, Chien Chung
口試委員(外文):Yang, Shang Da
Ku, Yi Hsia
外文關鍵詞:SU8Two Photon Polymerization532nm CW-laserPhotonic CrystalOptical ResonatorThree-dimensional Fabrication
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  • 點閱點閱:435
  • 評分評分:*****
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This paper set out to design a 3D nano/micro-machining system which is able to produce complex and any three-dimensional structure. Using nanoseconds level of green laser center wavelength of 532nm, and self-assembly of a microscope and two kinds of specifications mobile stage, which are able to cover large structures of centimeter-scale and fine structures of nano-grade. Finally, the study show the production of the nano-grade structures and test machine performance.
About the system setup and process optimization, we propose:(1) The novel design that when laser is processing and CCD get the real-time observation simultaneously. In addition to, the error between laser focal position and microscope imaging plane is merely 0.9um by manual adjustment. (2) Extending the preceding design and combining with the similarity of image analysis algorithms. We build up the auto-focus system. (3) Doing the tilt correction of the substrate. Then, on the process we overcome :(4) Lack adhesion between glass substrates and SU-8 negative photoresist. And, in consequence we get the Lift-off process and reduce the exposure of the substrate back linewidth effect. (5) The completion of the linewidth and dose relationship diagram, with different structural adjustment different power and speed. (6) In particular of the aspect ratio of the structure, using the overlap path plan to strengthen the stability of the structure and not change the overall structure.
Finally, we produce a photonic crystal and optical resonator also prove the better performance that switching to a center wavelength of 532nm laser system. Besides, compared to the 780nm femtosecond pulse laser, that may reduce the cost estimates and improve the stability of the system.
1 緒論
1.1 前言 P.1
1.2 雙光子微加工技術 P.2
1.3 文獻回顧 P.4
1.3.1 加工模式 P.4
1.3.2 目前最小的結構線寬 P.5
1.3.3 大尺度結構體 P.5
1.3.4 加強解析度 P.6
1.3.5 加強穩定性 P.7
1.3.6 提高產量 P.8
1.4 研究動機 P.9

2 研究方法
2.1 雙光子吸收 P.12
2.2 雙光子吸收強度計算 P.16
2.2.1 脈衝雷射 P.16
2.2.2 高倍率、高NA值物鏡 P.17
2.3 系統架構與加工流程 P.19
2.4 移動平台 P.23
2.4.1 壓電式移動平台與其校正 P.23
2.4.2 移動平台組裝設計 P.29
2.5 雷射加工即時觀測系統 P.35
2.6 軟體開發與使用者介面 P.38
2.6.1 控制平台與使用者介面 P.38
2.6.2 切層軟體與其使用者介面 P.40
3 實驗規劃
3.1 光阻 P.41
3.2 黏著度測試 P.44
3.3 機台基本曝光性能測試 P.48
3.3.1 自動對焦系統 P.48
3.3.2 定位光阻與基板交界面之Z軸位置 P.50
3.3.3 結構線寬與雷射功率、加工速率關係 P.54
3.3.4 結構線寬與劑量關係圖 P.56

4 結構範例與系統優化
4.1 案例一:光諧振器 P.59
4.2 案例二:光子晶體 P.63

5 結論 P.66
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