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作者(外文):Lo, Hsin Chien
論文名稱(外文):Utilzing nanoimprint lithography to fabricate asymmetric 2-cut bar resonators for lable free, coupler free high FOM bio-sensors applications
指導教授(外文):Yen, Ta Jen
外文關鍵詞:nanoimprintlabel freecoupler freebio-sensor
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To date, live cell imaging has attracted many researchers’ interests due to its ability to observe intracellular structures and molecular interactions within a cell that might facilitate progresses in the fields of biology and medical applications. With a resonance-based device, researchers can propose a label-free cell imaging system. The performance of the cell imaging system correlates to its sensing capability of refractive index change of surrounding environment.
In this research, we work on designing and fabricating a high figure of merit refractive index sensor to provide a future prospect on enhancing the resolution for the cell imaging system. We will first explain the idea of the design. After, we clarify the mechanism and characterize the sensor in simulation.
For the fabrication process, we introduce nanoimprint lithography to pattern and following either lift-off or RIE process to construct our devices. Finally, we conduct a measurement by microwave Fourier transformed infrared microscopy to verify the concept from the simulations.
Chapter 1 1
1.1. Live cell imaging with resonators 1
1.2. Motivation 2
1.3. Thesis Organization 3
Chapter 2 4
2.1. Metallic resonators 6
2.1.1. Split-ring resonators from L-C coupling 6
2.1.2. Split-ring resonators from a standing wave model 7
2.2. Dielectric resonators 9
2.3. Fano resonance 10
2.4. RI sensors based SRRs 15
2.5. RI sensors based ASRRs and dielectric resonators 19
2.6. Nanoimprint lithography 21
Chapter 3 26
3.1. Simulation setup 26
3.1.1. Environment setting 26
3.1.2. Device design 27
3.2. Simulation result 29
3.2.1. Characteristic of Fano-like Resonance 29
3.2.2. Q-factor analysis 33
3.3. Refractive index sensing 36
3.4. The detection length 40
3.5. The coupling effect from the ‘cut’ 42
3.5.1. Comparison of asymmetric bars with and without the ‘cut’ 42
3.5.2. Coupling strengths from different ‘cut’ lengths 44
Chapter 4 49
4.1. Mold fabrication 50
4.2. NIL with direct RIE 52
4.2.1. NIL with two systems 52
4.2.2 Direct RIE 54
4.3. NIL with lift-off process 55
Chapter 5 57
5.1. NIL results 57
5.1.1. The pneumatic NIL results 57
5.1.2. The hydraulic NIL results 60
5.1.3. NIL analysis 67
5.2. Imprint results of the 2-cut DAB and 2-cut MAB 69
5.2.1. 2-cut DAB developed by direct RIE process 69
5.2.2. Samples developed by lift-off process 71
5.3. Measurement results of the 2-cut DAB and 2-cut MAB 74
5.3.1. Measurement spectra for the 2-cut DAB 74
5.3.2. Measurement spectra for 2-cut MAB 78
5.3.3 RI sensing measurement spectra for 2-cut MAB 81
Chapter 6 83
Appendix 88
A.1. Direct RIE process 88
A.2. 2-cut DAB measurement spectra annealed at varied tmeperatures 94
A.3. Quartz substrate transmittance/reflectance/absorbance spectra 95

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