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作者(外文):Lin, Ying Hong
論文名稱(外文):Study on Stress-Induce Phase Transition of Indium Antimony Thin Film and Their Electrical Properties
指導教授(外文):Wu, Jyh Ming
口試委員(外文):Duh, Jenq Gong
Yen, Ta Jen
外文關鍵詞:InSbphase transitionraman spectra
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本實驗利用蒸鍍法合成出銻化銦薄膜材料,利用SEM 與XRD 的分析結果,其晶粒大小為20nm,利用拉曼光譜儀臨場觀察應變誘發銻化銦薄膜相變化,在拉或壓應變達到3.5%時,由閃鋅礦結構TO 模式部份轉換為纖鋅礦的E2 模式,此為一個不可逆的相變化過程。利用FTIR 光譜儀分析結果到,其能隙的變化,在壓應變達4%時,從0.17 eV 減少至0.15eV;拉應變至4%則增加至0.3eV。從高解析穿透式電子顯微鏡影像觀察到,受到外加應變的影響下,產生纖鋅礦與閃鋅礦混合結構的相存在,證實應力誘發相轉變的結果。使用聚氧化乙烯高分子離子膠體薄膜,製作成場效電晶體元件,量測其薄膜高電子遷移率12000cm2𝑉−1𝑠−1,且為n-type 的半導體材料,並藉由應變改變其能帶結構,提升遷移率至36000cm2𝑉−1𝑠−1,在施加固定0.1V 電壓下,其壓應變造成電流由0.3A 增加至0.6uA,拉應變造成電流由0.2uA 下降至0.05A。
In this experiment, InSb thin film with 20nm grain size was deposited by thermal evaporation. InSb phase transition form zincblende to wurtzite by applying tensile or compress strain on 3.5% was observed by In-Situ Raman spectrum. The zincblende Insb TO vibration mode will partially change to wurtzite InSb E2 mode. It is anirreversible phase transition process. The polyethylene oxide (PEO) was dropped to
be InSb thin film gate dielectric material, and I-V curve was measured with different gate bias. According to experiment result, the electron mobility of n-type InSb thin
film is 12000 cm2V−1s−1. Tensile/compress strain also was applied to InSb thin film, in order to enhance the electron mobility by change the band structure with different
第二章 文獻回顧
2.2.1熱蒸鍍法(thermal evaporation)
2.2.2濺鍍法(sputtering method)
2.2.3分子束磊晶(molecular beam epitaxy)
2.2.4金屬有機物化學氣相沉積法(metal organic chemical vapor deposition, MOCVD)
2.3.4電化學法(electrochemical method)
2.5壓阻效應(piezoresistance effect)
2.5 靜電摩擦發電機與感測元件
2.6垂直接觸分離模式(Vertical contact-separation mode)
2.7水平滑移模式(Lateral sliding mode)
2.8單電極模式(Single-electrode mode)
2.9獨立靜電摩擦層模式(Freestanding triboelectric-layermode)
2.10自發電的應力及觸碰感測器(self-powered active pressure/touch sensors)
2.11自發電的化學感測器(self-powered active chemical sensors)
2.12自發電的紫外光感測器(TENGs as self-powered active UV sensors)
第三章 實驗方法與步驟
3.3聚氧化乙烯(polyethylene oxide, PEO)溶液的配製
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