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作者(外文):Tseng, Fu Ning
論文名稱(中文):Li2O-ZnO-B2O3 添加劑對低溫燒結 BaTiO3基X7R陶瓷的介電性質之影響
論文名稱(外文):Effect of Li2O-ZnO-B2O3 Additives on Dielectric Properties of Low-fire BaTiO3-based X7R Ceramics
指導教授(外文):Jean, Jau Ho
外文關鍵詞:BaTiO3Low-temperature sinteringX7RReducing atmosphereDielectric properties
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BaTiO3為常應用在積層陶瓷電容器的陶瓷電介質,而為了降低積層陶瓷電容器生產成本,開發出能夠與Cu電極共燒的BaTiO3基陶瓷成為重要發展目標之一。本研究使用商用抗還原之BaTiO3基X7R陶瓷粉末,添加Li2O含量不同的Li2O-ZnO-B2O3玻璃助燒劑(LZB-G)與Li2O-ZnO-B2O3混合物助燒劑(LZB-M),並在950 oC還原氣氛下燒結兩小時後得到試片。結果顯示添加LZB-M的緻密效果較好,且隨Li2O含量增加愈緻密,原因為與BaTiO3反應產生氧空缺,提升原子擴散速度提升而較快達成緻密。對於介電常數,X7R+LZB-M擁有較高的介電常數,且介電常數隨Li2O增加而上升,分析後得知這是由試片緻密度、殘留玻璃相的多寡、晶格常數c與a比值的不同所導致。在介電常數對溫度穩定性方面,X7R+LZB-G有較好的表現,且Li2O愈少愈穩定,而從Li2O含量30 mol%X7R+LZB-M試片的TEM影像觀察到核部與殼層之間為半共格界面,推論此條件試片具有較小的應變,因此較無法抑制對溫度的不穩定性。最後本研究經由XRD峰擬合,得知c/a與立方相比例都隨Li2O增加而增加,在相同Li2O含量下X7R+LZB-M具有較高的c/a與立方相比例,進一步驗證在前幾節的所推論的結果。
BaTiO3 is the dielectric ceramic which is usually used in multilayer ceramic capacitors. In order to decrease the manufacturing cost of multilayer ceramic capacitors, developing the BaTiO3-based X7R ceramic which can cofire with Cu electrodes becomes one of the important developing target. In this research, an as-received non-reducible BaTiO3-based X7R ceramic powder was used with the addition of Li2O-ZnO-B2O3 glass sintering aids (LZB-G) and Li2O-ZnO-B2O3 mixture sintering aids (LZB-M). Samples were sintered at 950 oC for 2 hours in the reducing atmosphere. The densification of X7R+LZB-M samples is better than that of X7R+LZB-G samples and the densification of samples increases as Li2O content increases. The results are attributed to the reaction between sintering aids and BaTiO3 which creates oxygen vacancies. The oxygen vacancies lead to higher diffusion rate and promote the densification. The dielectric constant of X7R+LZB-M samples is higher than that of X7R+LZB-G samples under the condition of the same Li2O content. Furthermore, the dielectric constant of samples increases as the amount of Li2O increases. By analysis, it is concluded that the densification of samples, residual glassy state, and c/a cause the difference between dielectric constants. X7R+LZB-G samples show higher temperature stability of the dielectric constants. Moreover, the temperature stability of the dielectric constants of samples enhances as the Li2O decreases. By TEM observation, semi-coherent interfaces between core and shell are found in the X7R+LZB-M sample with 30 mol% Li2O. The lower temperature stability in X7R+LZB-M sample with 30 mol% Li2O is caused by the lower strain present in the core-shell structure. XRD fitting is performed and the results show that c/a and the fraction of cubic phase both increase as the amount of Li2O increases, which consists with the conclusion from the previous sections.
第一章 前言 1
1.1 MLCC簡介 1
1.2 BaTiO3晶體結構與介電特性 2
1.3 BaTiO3溫度穩定性的改善 3
1.3.1 EIA標準 3
1.3.2 離子取代 4
1.3.3 核-殼結構 5
1.4 抗還原型BaTiO3 6
1.5 BaTiO3的低溫燒結系統 8
1.6 研究動機與內容 9
第二章 實驗步驟 10
2.1 原料 10
2.2 試片製備 10
2.3 相對燒結密度量測 11
2.4 物相分析 11
2.5 微結構觀察 12
2.6介電性質量測 12
第三章 結果與討論 13
3.1 物相分析 13
3.2 相對燒結緻密度(RSD) 13
3.3 燒結與晶粒成長機制 14
3.4 介電常數 16
3.5 介電損失 17
3.6 容溫變化率(TCC) 17
3.7 X7R+LZB核-殼結構 18
3.8 XRD峰形擬合 20
第四章 結論 24
參考文獻 26
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