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作者(外文):Wang, Wei-Hung
論文名稱(外文):Giant magnetoresistance multilayers: effects of ferromagnetic materials and applications in magnetic sensors
指導教授(外文):Lai, Chih-Huang
口試委員(外文):Sung, Cheng-Kuo
外文關鍵詞:giant magnetoresistancemagnetic multilayersmagnetic sensor
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自從巨磁阻(giant magnetoresistance,GMR)效應發現之後,由於具有電阻變化大、高靈敏度、磁場操作範圍廣等優點,人們很快地將其應用在不同領域之中,包括磁紀錄媒體讀頭以及磁性感測器。在磁性與非磁性金屬多層膜系統中,在適當的非磁性層厚度下,相鄰鐵磁層的磁矩會藉由反鐵磁耦合而形成反平行排列,若施加磁場則可使其轉換為平行排列,此相鄰磁性材料磁化方向相反情況下的電阻值,明顯大於磁化方向相同時的電阻值,這種可透過磁場控制轉換高低阻態的現象,即被稱為巨磁阻效應。巨磁阻元件構造簡單、耐震性強,有較佳電阻溫度係數,對操作條件誤差以及環境的容忍度高,較不受粉塵、油漬、高濕度等汙染影響,因此對於汽車產業或工業製造等惡劣使用環境是良好的選擇;而由於巨磁阻元件易與一般半導體製程整合、可微小化,在消費性電子或生技醫藥產業亦極具應用潛力。
Since the discovery of giant magnetoresistance (GMR) effect, it has been applied to many fields, including read heads of magnetic recording media and magnetic sensors, for its large resistance change, high sensitivity and wide operating range. If we carefully select the thickness of the non-magnetic layers in a ferromagnetic and non-magnetic metallic multilayer system, the magnetizations of neighboring ferromagnetic layers will align in antiparallel directions through antiferromagnetic coupling. Applying a magnetic field can turn them into parallel arrangement. The resistance of the system is much higher at antiparallel state than that at parallel state. Therefore, the system can transit between high and low resistance states by an external magnetic field. This phenomenon is called GMR effect. GMR devices have relatively simple structure, high resistance to shock, good temperature coefficient of electrical resistance, high tolerance of operating error and environment and are less affected by harsh conditions such as dust, oil, high humidity, so they are a good choice for using under nasty environments, such as automobile industry and industrial manufacturing. Since GMR devices can easily be integrated with semiconductor manufacturing processes, they also have great potential to be applied in consumer electronics and biotechnological industry.
This study is aimed to obtain a GMR device with high stability and high magnetoresistance (MR) ratio from different materials and structures and improvements on fabrication processes. We sputtered ferromagnetic (Co, CoFe, NiFe, NiFeCo) /non-magnetic (Cu) multilayers and selected the thicknesses with the highest MR ratio and antiferromagnetic coupling, and we observed the effects of ferromagnetic materials on MR ratio and sensitivity. A buffer layer was introduced under the multilayers to adjust the roughness and lower the spin-independent scattering to raise MR ratio. We found that Co/Cu multilayers had the highest MR ratio an NiFeCo/Cu multilayers had the best sensitivity among the systems we investigated. We also designed layer structures with CoFe and NiFe in hopes of combing their high MR ratio and high sensitivity respectively. We fabricated NiFeCo/Cu GMR devices by lift-off and etching processes respectively to demonstrate their potentials of magnetic sensors. After verifying that the MR ratio was maintained through the fabrication processes, we showed the sensing capabilities of the devices with a patterned magnet array. The results are helpful for developing highly precise and sensitive GMR sensors, which are expected to be applied in plenty fields, e.g. instrumental measurements, automobile industries, automatic robotics, semiconductor industries, biomedical sensing and consumer electronics.
Abstract i
摘要 ii
誌謝 iii
Content iv
List of Figures vi
List of tables viii
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
Chapter 2. Background 3
2.1 Giant magnetoresistance 3
2.1.1 Spin-dependent scattering 3
2.1.2 GMR structures 5
2.1.3 Interlayer exchange coupling 6
2.1.4 Ferromagnetic materials 8
2.1.5 Buffer layers 9
Chapter 3. Experiment and Analysis Technique 10
3.1 Sample preparation 10
3.1.1 Ultra-high vacuum magnetron sputtering system 10
3.1.2 Photolithography 11
3.1.3 Inductively coupled plasma reactive ion etching, ICPRIE 12
3.2 Analysis technique 13
3.2.1 Vibrating sample magnetometer, VSM 13
3.2.2 Four-point probes 14
3.2.3 Atomic force microscope, AFM 14
Chapter 4. Results and Discussions 16
4.1 Co/Cu multilayer system 16
4.1.1 Sputtering condition 16
4.1.2 Buffer layer 21
4.1.3 MR at small fields 21
4.2 Other multilayer systems 22
4.2.1 Co90Fe10/Cu multilayers 22
4.2.2 Ni80Fe20/Cu multilayers 24
4.2.3 Ni80Fe20/Cu/Co90Fe10/Cu multilayers 26
4.2.4 Co90Fe10 insertion at Ni80Fe20/Cu interfaces 27
4.2.5 Ni65Fe15Co20/Cu multilayers 29
4.2.6 Summary 30
4.3 Patterned devices 31
4.3.1 Lift-off method 31
4.3.2 Etching method 37
4.4 Patterned magnet array 43
4.4.1 Different distance 43
Chapter 5. Summary 49
References 51
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