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作者(外文):Chen, Jui Yi
論文名稱(中文):以扶桑及多孔植物為模板- 凝膠溶膠法合成TiO2及CaCO3 之研究
論文名稱(外文):Bio-templating of China Rose and Porous Plants by a Sol-gel Method: Using TiO2 and CaCO3 as Materials
指導教授(外文):Chen, Po Yu
外文關鍵詞:Bioinspirationbio-templatingsol-gel methodhierarchical structurecellular materials
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植物是自然界中主要的類別之一,其包含許多優勢與特性,例如: 再生性、環保、多樣性,以及容易取得等特性。在眾多特點中最為突出的是其結構,在多階層尺度下皆展現相當精細的形貌。已有研究嘗試以生物為模板來模仿植物細微結構。本研究以溶膠凝膠法來製備以植物為模板的二氧化鈦及碳酸鈣結構。製備流程為將前趨液滲透入植物模板,再於高溫段燒移去模板,鍛燒後的成品即為具有植物結構的複製產物。此實驗使用的植物模板包括:扶桑(Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Linn.), 木麻黃的果實(Casuarina equisetifolia L.)、肯氏南洋杉的葉子(Araucaria cunninghamii Sweet) 及蓮藕的根(Nelumbo nucifera)。實驗結果證明此方法可成功複製植物的微結構。XRD和EDS確認複製的產物為具銳鈦礦相的二氧化鈦及方解石相的碳酸鈣 。BET結果顯示二氧化鈦及碳酸鈣的結構性複製產物皆有較高的比表面積及較廣的孔洞分布。此外,DVS分析指出結構可明顯提升水氣的吸脫附能力。本研究提出以植物為模板之合成方法可進一步應用於汙染物淨化及生醫材料等領域。
Plants, a major category in nature, have many advantages and unique properties. They are renewable, ecofriendly, diverse, and easily accessible. One of the most characterized advantages is their structure. The structure displays intricate patterns at multiple scales. Some researchers are trying to mimic these special structures through templating. In this study, a sol-gel method by infiltrating the template with precursor and followed by calcination, is proposed to synthesize TiO2 and CaCO3 materials using different plants as templates, including China rose (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Linn.), Iron wood (Casuarina equisetifolia L.) cone, Hoop pine (Araucaria cunninghamii Sweet) leaf and Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) root. The results show that the micro-morphologies of plants can be well preserved in the replicas. XRD and EDS analyses confirm that the replicas are anatase TiO2 and calcite CaCO3. BET result proves that the replicas in both materials have higher surface area and wider distribution of pore size than that of powder. In addition, DVS data suggests the evident enhancement of vapor sorption-desorption ability of the replicas. The bio-templating technique investigated in this research can be further applied to pollutant purification and biomedical devices.
List of Tables V
Figure Captions VI
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Motives and Goals 4
Chapter 2 Literature Review 6
2.1 Biomolecules 6
2.1.1 DNA 6
2.1.2 Protein 7
2.2 Virus 11
2.3 Microorganism 14
2.4 Plants 16
2.4.1 Diatom 16
2.4.2 Plant Fibers 17
2.4.3 Wood Tissues 18
2.4.4 Loufa Sponge 20
2.4.5 Pollen Grains 20
2.4.6 Green Plant Leaves 22
2.5 Animals 22
2.5.1 Insects 23
2.5.2 Marine Animals 26
Chapter 3 Experimental Procedures 28
3.1 Materials and Chemicals 28
3.1.1 Plants 28
3.1.2 Tetrabutyltitanate(TnBT) 28
3.1.3 Acetic Acid Calcium Salt 28
3.1.4 Ethanol 99% 28
3.2 Sample Preparation and Treatment 29
3.2.1 TiO2 Precursor Preparation 29
3.2.2 CaCO3 Precursor Preparation 29
3.2.3 Infiltration and Calcination 29
3.3 Structural Characterization 30
3.3.1 Optical Microscopy (OM) 30
3.3.2 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) 30
3.3.3 Cold Mounting 30
3.3.4 Paraffin Tissue-Processing Method 31
3.4 Compositional Analysis 31
3.4.1 Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) 31
3.4.2 X-ray Diffraction 31
3.4.3 Thermogravimetric Analysis 32
3.5 Property Measurements 32
3.5.1 Brunauer-Emmett-Teller Analysis 32
3.5.2 Dynamic Vapor Sorption 33
Chapter 4 Results and Discussions 34
4.1 Characterization of China rose 34
4.1.1 Microscopic Observation of China Rose 34
4.1.2 Microscopic Observation of TiO2 Replicas of China Rose 44
4.1.3 Microscopic Observation of CaCO3 Replicas of China Rose 49
4.1.4 Phase Identification and Composition Analysis 53
4.1.5 Thermogravity analysis (TGA) 58
4.2 Characterization of TiO2 Replica Porous Plants 65
4.2.1 Microscopic Observation of Porous Plants 65
4.2.2 Microscopic Observation of TiO2 Replica 75
4.2.3 Phase Identification and Composition Analysis 81
4.3 Characterization of CaCO3 Replica of Porous Plants 83
4.3.1 Microscopic Observation of CaCO3 Replicas 83
4.3.2 Phase Identification and Composition Analysis 88
4.4 BET & DVS Analysis of Lotus Root Replica 89
4.4.1 Brunauer–Emmett–Teller Analysis (BET) 89
4.4.2 Dynamic Vapor Sorption (DVS) 98
Chapter 5 Conclusions 102
Chapter 6 Future Work 106
6.1 Scaffold Fabrication 106
6.2 Nanowire 108
6.3 DVS of CaCO3 Replica 109
References 111
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1. Multi-scale Structural Characterization and Mechanical Evaluation of Protective Bio-composites: Inspirations from Cobra Snake and Chinese Striped-neck Turtle Eggshells
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