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作者(外文):Chang, Teng Yen
論文名稱(外文):Study of an indirect capacitively coupled hydrogen/argon plasma discharge for atomic layer deposition process
指導教授(外文):Leou, Keh Chyang
口試委員(外文):Siao, Jian Nan
Ke, Jhin Jhong
外文關鍵詞:Atomic Layer Depositioncapacitively coupled plasmahydrogen/argon simulation
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  • 評分評分:*****
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本研究旨在探討氫氣/氬氣電漿環境下,參考儀科中心的儀器設計進行模擬。探討不同網層孔徑大小對於主要影響成膜的H粒子的通量密度的變化。內容包含模擬與實驗兩部分。從模擬結果在頻率為13.56 MHz的射頻電漿環境基本模擬條件下,電子密度、電子溫度、H粒子密度在0.2秒後都到達穩態。一個電壓周期內,電漿的電位分佈會隨著功率電極電位而改變,電漿與電極之間的電位差,會在靠近兩電極處產生強電場,可以加速電子來激發其餘重粒子,並使電漿中的正離子受電場加速往基板移動。
模擬結構有3個部分,分別是改變不同網層的孔徑(0.25 mm、0.5 mm、2 mm)大小隨著功率變化的模擬。隨著功率上升時,平均電位、電子密度、電子溫度隨之增加,H的通量密度到達基板數量也隨著功率而增加,代表有更多的活性粒子與前驅物反應,可以使得沉積均勻性提高,但是相對的其他離子的通量密度也隨著功率增加,意味著提高功率會帶來離子轟擊的影響也增加。
In the recent years, the semiconductor component size getting smaller and smaller. The metal oxide semiconductor field effect manufacturing process, after the size of less than 22 nm, the semiconductor process technology will face a big challenge. So Atomic Layer Deposition(ALD) process was interested and more popular in the recent years. There are some benefits of ALD process, one of this technology can be deposited the films at the atomic size, the other can be deposited films more uniform because of gas can be reached to anywhere of the surface, and it can also deposit on non-planar.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the argon/hydrogen plasma discharge for atomic layer deposition process. When using different size of the mesh size, the change of the H radical flux. There are two part of this study, simulation and experiment. In simulation studies, RF plasma was operated at 13.56 MHz. The electron density, electron temperature, and H number density were reached to steady state after 0.2 second. The plasma potential near two electrodes will accelerate electron and ions.
There are three parts of the simulation, changing different mesh size (0.25mm, 0.5mm, 2mm) of the structure. And then using different power to start the simulation. The simulation results, when the power increase, the electron density, electron temperature, average potential increase. H radicals flux are also increase when power increase. Representative more precursor reacted with the active radicals, so that the uniformity of the films can be improve. But relative to other ion flux increase, it means the ion bombardment effect increases.
There is another simulation which is changing input gas ratio of H2/Ar. The simulation result is that the ratio of H2/Ar increase the H radicals flux increase.
In spectrum analysis, the intensity of characteristic spectral lines of Hα and Hβ decrease when pressure increase. And argon intensity of characteristic spectral lines also the same trend.
In this simulation study, if we want to let the films more uniform, in addition to increasing H radicals flux but also need to consider the ion bombardment. So it should be find an optimum balance.
中文摘要 i
Abstract iii
致謝 v
目錄 vii
表目錄 x
圖目錄 xi
第一章 簡介 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 原子層沉積的介紹 3
2.2 腔體結構 5
2.2.1 Radical-enhance ALD 5
2.2.2 Direct plasma ALD 6
2.2.3 Remote plasma ALD 8
2.3 金屬鎳(Ni)薄膜 9
2.3.1 金屬矽化物 9
2.3.2 ALD方式沉積金屬鎳模 10
2.4 電漿模擬文獻回顧 15
第三章 研究方法與物理模型 20
3.1 電子與中性粒子 20
3.1.1 電子 20
3.1.2 離子、中性粒子 23
3.1.3 電磁場 25
3.2  幾何結構與邊界條件 26
3.2.1 幾何結構 26
3.2.2 邊界條件 27
3.3 反應式資料庫 29
3.4  起始條件 34
3.5  軟體簡介 35
3.6 電漿光譜 40
3.7 光學放射光譜儀 42
第四章 模擬結果 43
4.1 模擬條件及起始狀況 43
4.1.1 穩態的判定 45
4.1.2 一個電壓週期內電位與電場的變化 47
4.1.3 各粒子隨空間分布 48
4.2 網層孔徑0.25 mm與輸入功率的影響 51
4.2.1 輸入功率對基本放電特性的影響 51
4.2.2 輸入功率對H粒子與其他離子的密度與通量密度的影響 58
4.3 網層孔徑0.5 mm與輸入功率的影響 64
4.3.1 輸入功率對基本放電特性的影響 64
4.3.2 輸入功率對H粒子與其他離子的密度與通量密度的影響 71
4.4 網層孔徑2 mm與輸入功率的影響 77
4.4.1 輸入功率對基本放電特性的影響 77
4.4.2 輸入功率對H粒子與其他離子的密度與通量密度的影響 82
4.5 流量比的影響 88
4.5.1 流量比對基本放電特性的影響 88
4.5.2 流量比對H粒子與其他離子的密度與通量密度的影響 94
第五章 光譜量測結果 100
5.1 電漿光譜 100
第六章 結論及未來工作 103
6.1 總結 103
6.2 未來工作 105
參考文獻 106
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