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作者(外文):Chen, YingTing
論文名稱(外文):Cocktail drug delivery chip for colon cancer drug screening
指導教授(外文):Tseng, Fan-Gang
外文關鍵詞:UV crosslinkingPEGDA hydrogelmicrodrpletsCocktail drugs
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  在本實驗中我們使用水膠 PEGDA (poly(ethylene glycol)diacrylate),為PEG改質成兩端具有烯基雙鍵(acrylate or methacrylate) 因此可經由照射UV光交聯。利用水膠照光會固化的特性加上光罩部分曝光,可以形成包藥水膠液珠陣列,達到定量的目的。而最後定量好的包藥水交會直接對準合併細胞培養晶片,使藥物同時平行釋放到細胞中。此晶片操作快速,準確性高,而且少量之樣品即足以供分析之用,測定範圍廣。我們可以合併五種藥物在動態範圍千倍之下,藥物完整釋放僅需30秒,完成高通量的試驗。我們同時以二維以及三維方式培養細胞,同時比較IC50可以看出以三維培養的細胞抗藥性較高,可以歸咎於二為培養非接近體內自然狀態生長,三維培養較接近真實腫瘤狀態。最後雞尾酒結果顯示出我們的晶片是接近傳統手動配藥結果,證實晶片可行性。
In recent years, biomedical materials have been widely applied in the treatment of the target cells. While tissue engineering and biomedical sensing and other new medical devices and biotechnology industries also belongs to the Government’s promotional key point. And drug delivery technology in recent years has been widely developed in the medical material field. Cell-based assays have been an important pillar of the drug discovery process to provide a simple, fast, and cost-effective tool to avoid large-scale and cost-intensive animal testing.
In our study we introduces a combinatory assay platform that allows high-throughput but low-drug-dosage screening of five anti-cancer drugs as a cocktail for personalized cancer treatment. Photosensitive PEGDA hydrogel was employed for drug dosage definition through drop array formation and selective UV crosslinking process. The finally defined cocktail drugs in hydrogel will be directly released in parallel when combined with cell chips. This device is capable to combine 5 drugs with 1000 folds dynamic range in 30 second with low drug consumption for in-parallel cocktail screening process.
And it is imperative to establish in vitro cell-based systems that can more realistically mimic the in vivo cell behaviors and provide more predictable results to in vivo tests. We found that cells in the 3D culture environment differ morphologically and physiologically from cells in the 2D culture environment. Drugs were highly active in 2D monolayer culture but less active and gradually lost their activity in 3D spheroids. Our cocktail chip results are analogous to a conventional method.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1雞尾酒藥物療法 4
2.2 大腸癌簡介 4
2.2.1 大腸癌藥物治療 6
(一)化學藥物 6
(二)標靶藥物 8
2.3水膠簡介 9
2.3.2水膠的應用 13
2.3.3水膠定量以及擴散釋放 16
2.4液珠成型方式 18
2.5藥物混合方法 20
2.5.1連續式混合 20
2.5.2平行式混和藥物 22
第三章 晶片設計 25
3.1 晶片設計 25
3.2 液珠陣列成型 26
3.3 演算法介紹 27
第四章 實驗步驟、設備與材料 29
4.1親疏水性晶片製程流程 29
4.1.1 詳細流程 29
4.2水膠原料與配製 32
4.2.1水膠與光起始劑配製溶液 32
4.2.2水膠固化 33
4.3 細胞培養 34
4.3.1 附著型細胞(adherent cell) 34
4.3.2 懸浮型細胞(suspension cell) 35
4.3.3 融合瘤﹙hybridoma﹚ 35
4.3.3 三維細胞培養(3D cell culture) 36
4.4紫外線/可見光分光光譜儀分析定量 37
4.5半數抑制濃度(IC50)計算 38
4.6細胞計數 38
第五章 實驗結果與討論 40
5.1液珠成型測試 40
5.2 PEGDA毒性測試 41
5.3水膠包覆螢光擴散 43
5.3.1.螢光偵測法 43
5.3.2 Rhodamine 6G 溶液的配製 43
5.3.3水膠濃度、照光時間不同的影響 45
5.3.4比較不同PEGDA分子量的影響 46
5.3.5可見光/紫外光分光光譜儀偵測法 47
5.3.6水膠包覆R6G擴散測試 48
5.4水膠包覆五種藥物釋放 48
5.5 IC50測量 50
5.6雞尾酒測試 54 
第六章 結論、未來工作 57
6.1 總結 57
參考文獻 58

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