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作者(外文):Wang, Cheng Ping
論文名稱(外文):Study of Hybrid Poly-Si Channel Junctionless Fin Field-Effect Transistors with Trench Structure
指導教授(外文):Wu, Yung Chun
口試委員(外文):Lin, Yu Hsien
Chen, Min Cheng
外文關鍵詞:JunctionlessTrench structureHybrid structureFinFET
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  • 評分評分:*****
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本篇論文開發出混合式無接面電晶體結構搭配溝槽式通道有著omega結構閘極和奈米線 (Nanowires) 結構之多晶矽無接面薄膜電晶體。此元件展現了極佳的電特性,像是陡峭之次臨界擺幅 (Subthreshold swing, SS) 109 mV/dec.、較高的開關電流比 (Ion/Ioff current ratio > 108 )、較低的汲極引致能障下降值 (Drain-induced barrier lowering, DIBL)為 9 mV/V,此外本結構對I-V特性對溫度有加以探討,接著再使用T-cad模擬軟體與實際數據作分析比較,驗證模擬結果與實驗數據相符。
Modern electronic devices become more and more useful, emphasizing on multifunctional, small size, light weight, etc. The rapid development in electronic industries has led to considerable increases in consumer’s purchasing desire, and triggered electronics industry to improve its products. However, the expectation of transistors in scaling suffered more and more difficult to design, whether the short channel effect in devices or the challenge of process are very important research issues.
In this thesis, the hybrid junctionless field-effect-transistors with trench structure are proposed and fabricated; the special fabrication of junctionless is the same doping concentration and doping type in channel, source, and drain, so the channel to source and the channel to drain have no junction. And these devices can avoid the short channel effects and simplify the fabrication compared to inversion mode transistors. The hybrid structure makes the thinner effective channel thickness owing to the depletion layer by the channel and substrate; it can easily fabricate devices on the bulk Si wafer and keep the good electrical characteristics. Then, the trench structure improves the ability of gate control owing to the thin channel by the anisotropic etching process. In the fabrication, the annealing after depositing the thick amorphous silicon gets the larger poly silicon grain size, and it also can improve the active area film quality; finally, it achieves the thin trench channel by the reactive-ion etching process.
The hybrid poly silicon channel junctionless field-effect-transistors with trench structure have ten nanowires with omega gate structure. The performance of the hybrid junctionless field-effect-transistors with trench structure is excellent with the small sub-threshold swing (SS) (109mV/dec.), the high current ratio (Ion/Ioff current ratio > 108), and negligible DIBL (9mV/V); then, discuss the electrical characteristics in variable temperature with every 25oC as a step from the 25oC to 200oC, analyze those devices by using the Arrhenius sweeps. Finally, the last result shows the TCAD simulation to assist the analysis and confirms the measured basic electric characteristics.
The proposed hybrid JL-FETs with trench structure not only the easy fabrication but also the good characteristics are highly promising for use in advanced system-on-chip and 3D stacked ICs applications.
中 文 摘 要 I
Abstract III
Acknowledge V
Contents VII
Figure Captions IX
Table XV
Chapter 1 1
Introduction 1
1-1 The MOSFET Scaling 1
1-2 Introduction of Junctionless Device 5
1-2 Motivation 13
1-3 Thesis Organization 17
Chapter 2 19
Junctionless Mechanism 19
2-1 Conduction Mechanisms 19
2-2 Short Channel Effects in Junctionless transistor 23
2-3 The Temperature Performance of Junctionless 24
High temperature 24
Low temperature 26
2-4 The Design Guideline of Junctionless Transistor 28
Chapter 3 30
Device Fabrication 30
Chapter 4 33
Characteristics Analysis 33
4-1 Device Structure Images Analysis 33
4-1-1 SEM image and AFM image 35
4-1-2 SIMS profile and TEM image 38
4-2 Device Electrical Analysis 41
4-2-1 Basic Electrical Analysis 42
4-2-2 Device Temperature Performance 47
4-3 Device Simulation 54
4-3-1 Device Structure Simulation 54
4-3-2 Device Simulation Analysis 57
Chapter 5 62
Conclusion 62
Reference 64
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