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作者(外文):Liu, Shih Yung
論文名稱(外文):Flow Regime Identification and Characteristic Analysis of Wispy Annular Two-Phase Flow
指導教授(外文):Chen, Shao Wen
口試委員(外文):Chien, Kuo-Hsiang
Peir, Jinn-Jer
外文關鍵詞:Two-phase flowWispy annular flow
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束狀環狀流 (Wispy annular flow)為Bennett首先觀察到之流譜,此流譜會在氣核裡形成不規則之束狀結構 (Wisp),其特性具有相當獨特之物理意義。從實驗結果顯示,當束狀結構出現時,壓力信號上會出現瞬間極大的壓力變化,而從壓力信號圖中我們可以看到會有一脈衝出現,此乃為判別束狀環狀流相當重要的方法之一。而分析上我們同時利用信號處理的方法來分別計算壓力信號和電導度信號的相關函數,因此可得到束狀結構之速度、出現頻率、出現時間長度、平均壓力和標準差以及平均壓力佔整體壓力之比例等實驗結果。
以上束狀結構之分析結果基本上其計算值都會隨著液相表面速度 (superficial liquid velocity)的增加而上升,當液相表面速度增加到達一定條件之後,其特性會有相當明顯地變化。然而對於氣相表面速度(superficial gas velocity)而言,似乎影響並不顯著。
The proposed research is about analyzing and identifying different types of upward air-water two-phase flow regimes in the vertical pipe by measuring its pressure signal, differential pressure signal, and electric impedance signal. In addition, our research provides an observation section which is available for photographing and recording for data comparison. Currently, there is lack of a complete method for observing the signal; therefore, we create large database for analyzing the characteristic of each flow regimes. We want to have a unified and objective method to identify two-phase flow regimes in the future. This experiment provides photos, videos, pressure signal analysis, and void fraction analysis for each flow regimes. Especially, we provide a detailed analysis on wispy annular flow.
Wispy annular flow was first observed by A.W Bennett. This regime will form irregular wisp structure within the gas core and this characteristic has unique physical significance. The experimental result shows that when wisp is formed, the pressure signal will have an instantaneous pulse. The instantaneous pulse is an important indication for wispy annular flow. We use signal processing methods for calculating correlation functions for pressure signal and conductivity signal. Therefore, we can get experimental results for the velocity, frequency of appearance, time duration of appearance, average pressure, pressure standard deviation, and the ratio of average pressure and total pressure of wisp.
The experimental results of wisp given above would rise with the increase of superficial liquid velocity and change apparently when it reaches to a certain condition. However, the experimental results reveal that the characteristic of wisp is less dependent of superficial gas velocity.
In this study, we set up an experiment device which was carried out to investigate the flow characteristics of wispy annular flow. The large database we build is important for the flow regime identification and characteristic analysis about wispy annular two-phase flow.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 x
符號說明 xv
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 雙相流流譜介紹與分類 1
1.2 雙相流流譜鑑別之重要性 5
1.3 研究背景與目的 6
第二章 文獻回顧 7
2.1 雙相流流譜圖 7
2.1.1 水平雙相流流譜圖 7
2.1.2 垂直雙相流流譜圖 15
2.2 雙相流流譜之鑑別方法 20
2.2.1 直接判別法 20
2.2.2 間接判別法 24
2.3 垂直雙相流流譜轉換機制 30
2.3.1 氣泡流至彈狀流流譜轉換 30
2.3.2 分散氣泡流流譜之轉換 31
2.3.3 彈狀流至攪拌流流譜轉換 32
2.3.4 環狀流流譜之轉換 34
第三章 實驗系統設計 36
3.1 垂直圓管上升氣水雙相流實驗系統 36
3.1.1 空氣供給系統 40
3.1.2 冷水供給系統 41
3.1.3 流譜測試段系統 42
3.1.4 量測信號系統 44
3.1.5 資料擷取系統 45
3.2 實驗範圍 46
3.2.1 所有實驗範圍 46
3.2.2 分析範圍 47
3.3 實驗程序 48
第四章 理論分析方法 51
4.1 壓力信號分析 51
4.2 電導信號分析 53
4.3 機率密度函數圖 55
4.4 環狀流之液膜厚度計算 56
第五章 實驗結果與討論 58
5.1 垂直圓管雙相流流譜之可視化結果 58
5.1.1 氣泡流 59
5.1.2 彈狀流 59
5.1.3 攪拌流 59
5.1.4 環狀流 60
5.1.5 束狀環狀流 60
5.2 流譜之空泡分率分析 66
5.2.1 空泡分率之機率密度函數圖 66
5.2.2 空泡分率之電導信號 68
5.3 束狀環狀流之壓力分析 79
5.4 束狀環狀流之束狀結構速度分析 83
5.4.1 利用空泡分率信號計算之束狀結構速度 83
5.4.2 利用窄幅差壓信號計算之束狀結構速度 84
5.5 束狀環狀流之特性分析 96
5.5.1 束狀結構出現之頻率 96
5.5.2 束狀結構出現之時間長度 97
5.5.3 束狀結構的平均壓力和標準差 98
5.5.4 束狀結構平均壓力所佔的比例 100
5.6 束狀環狀流特性之綜合分析 106
5.7 環狀流和束狀環狀流之流譜轉換邊界 108
第六章 結論 111
6.1 本論文研究成果 111
6.2 未來研究建議與方向 113
參考文獻 114
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