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作者(外文):Lee, Wei Jia
論文名稱(外文):An Integrated and Microstructured Flexible Hydrogen Fuel Cell
Su,Yu Chuan
外文關鍵詞:flexible electrodesflexiblefuel cell
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本研究提出以低材料成本(高分子)與低製程成本(翻膜技術)概念,《積體化具奈微結構之可撓性氫氣燃料電池》,本研究提出一種新形態之燃料電池電極,採用製程簡易且化學穩定性高之聚二甲基矽氧烷(PDMS)之高分子材料作為電極基材,結合微影製程技術,製備出具微陣列結構之PDMS電極基材薄膜(PDMS film),並透過特殊化學改質方式,大幅提升蒸鍍導電金屬薄膜(Au film)與基材薄膜(PDMS film)間之附著性與可撓性,製備出軟性可撓曲Au/PDMS薄膜電極。
為測試Au/PDMS薄膜電極能於單電池測試時,具備穩定表現,陰陽極採用Au/PDMS作為電極,觸媒層使用鉑顆粒承載於XC-72 碳黑上,使用噴塗法將觸媒漿料均勻塗佈於Au/PDMS微結構上以完成電極之製作,並使用壓合方式組成膜電極組(Membrane Electrode Assembly, MEA)後,組成一單電池進行Au/PDMS薄膜電極性能量測與探討,其最佳效能為操作於70°C,提供純氫與純氧,其電流密度為296mA/cm2時,具有141mW/cm2功率密度。
This research presents a low material costs (polymer) and low process costs (duplicate) concept, "An Integrated and Microstructured Flexible Hydrogen Fuel Cell l", a novel design of PDMS-based bendable electrodes with microstructures is proposed for flexible proton membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs). The design of the bendable electrodes incorporates micro-structured PDMS film to increase the reaction area and fuel path-way as well as Au conducting layers by E-Beam evaporation with chemically sturdy conjugation to the PDMS micro structures for electron conduction and fabrication of highly flexible Au/PDMS composite film electrodes.
When proton exchange membrane fuel cell tests, anode and cathode use Au/PDMS film as electrodes. The catalyst layer is Pt/C. After cold pressing, we measure the MEA’s effects and study the phenomenon. A best fuel cell performance using Au/PDMS film with Pt/C and Nafion 211, a peak power density of 141 mA/cm2 and current density of 296 mA/cm2 at 70℃ with H2 and pure O2.
In order to achieve Au/PDMS film electrodes have the flexible feature, the soft patterns of this research to develop new flexible battery application means to PDMS as a soft device substrate and with different types of soft material to replace the existing each unit cell components, technologies and issues to explore flexible means of selection and integrated device package of flexible application.

第一章 緒論
第二章 文獻回顧
第三章 實驗設計與原理
第四章 實驗步驟
第五章 結果與討論
第六章 結論
第七章 未來工作
第八章 參考文獻
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