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作者(外文):Yang, Yu Hsuan
論文名稱(外文):The Research and Development of Thermal Adhesive by Using Multi-size Aluminum Nitride as the Filler
指導教授(外文):Lin, Wei Geng
口試委員(外文):Zou,Yun Ming
Lin, Hong Wen
外文關鍵詞:thermal interface materialepoxythermal adhesiveAluminum Nitridethermal conductivity
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  • 評分評分:*****
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在現代電子產品追求效率與縮小化的時代,提升電子構裝散熱效率成為重要的課題。增加散熱效率的其中一個方法是降低發熱源與散熱模組間的表面接觸熱阻,需要使用熱介面材料(Thermal Interface Material, T.I.M.)來填補介面中粗糙表面所產生的空隙,可達到提升熱傳效果。本論文主要目的是以實驗方法去討論-使用不同大小氮化鋁粉添加於環氧樹脂來製成的熱介面材料,探討其對熱傳導係數所造成之影響。
本論文試驗分為三大部分:第一部分為T.I.M.量測平台的穩定性分析,第二部分為未加入硬化劑前Thermal Adhesive之研發,第三部分為添加硬化劑後之Thermal Adhesive之測試。
由實驗結果可以發現,Thermal Adhesive測量分為兩部分,硬化前用T.I.M量測平台之Thermal Grease測量,硬化後使用K metal部分進行量測。在量測前,Thermal Grease用具有穩定性的道康寧TC-5121進行校正,物差在5%以下。而K metal部分用純銅塊進行校正後誤差也在10%以下。可知本測量平台具有良好的準確性和穩定性。實驗中所得到的最高熱傳導係數為3.66(W/m.K),為30μm和10μm及5μm的三層粉體填充於20wt%環氧樹脂之導熱膠,其添加硬化劑後之熱傳導係數為3.09(W/m.K)。
To enhance efficiency of heat transfer, fill the gap interface and reduce the thermal resistance between Cooler and CPU surface, the Thermal Interface Material (TIM) was made. The main purpose of this paper was to discuss the experimental methods conducted with using different size of aluminum nitride powder to fill the thermal adhesive, the effect of thermal conductivity caused be the method was also evaluated in this paper.There are three main topic in this study: the first part was the stability analysis on T.I.M measuring system. The second one was research and development of the thermal adhesive without hardener. The last part was testing thermal adhesive after adding hardener. Experiment results showed that the test of thermal adhesive were divided to two parts. While testing adhesive without hardener by T.I.M measurement by thermal grease part, hardener added thermal adhesive was measured by T.I.M measurement by K metal part. Before experiment, accuracy of T.I.M measurement thermal grease part was less than 5% by using the Dow Corning TC-5121, and accuracy of T.I.M measurement K metal part was within 10% by using pure copper. It was proved that there were good accuracy and stability in T.I.M measurement equipment. As the thermal grease experiment, epoxy was used as the substrate and mixed with three different sizes of AlN powder, the thermal conductivity could reach 3.66(W/m.K) by mixing 30μm,10μm and 5μm AlN powder with 20wt% Epoxy. After adding hardener, thermal conductivity is 3.09(W/m.K).
摘要 I
誌 謝 III
目 錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
符號說明 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研就動機及目的 3
1-3 文獻回顧 4
第二章 理論模式與實驗依據 10
2-1 材料的熱力性質 10
2-2 ASTM D5470理論分析 12
2-2.1 金屬材料熱傳導係數理論分析 13
2-2.2 Thermal Pad 熱傳導係數理論分析 15
2-2.3 Thermal Grease 熱傳導係數理論分析 17
第三章 實驗設備及方法 19
3-1 實驗設備及實驗材料 19
3-1.1 T.I.M量測平台與冶具設計製作 19
3-1.2 電源供應器及訊號接收 23
3-1.3 可程式邏輯控制器(Programmable Logic Controller) 26
3-1.4 冷卻系統 27
3-1.5 Spacer製作設計 27
3-1.6 T.I.M.量測平台整合主體架構 29
3-1.7 Three-roll Mill(三滾筒混練機) 30
3-1.8 真空幫浦 31
3-1.9 實驗材料 31
3-2 實驗儀器效正及實驗步驟 33
3-2.1 實驗前儀器效正 33
3-2.2 熱介面材料之熱傳導係數量測操作流程 34
第四章 結果與討論 40
4-1 THERMAL GREASE量測系統穩定性分析結果與討論 41
4-2.1 氮化鋁粉搭配環氧樹脂之實驗結果與討論 46
4-2.2 氮化鋁粉加入環氧樹脂與硬化劑之實驗結果與討論 62
第五章 結論 64
附錄A 熱介面材料編號說明 66
參考文獻 67

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