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作者(外文):Lin, Chia Kai
論文名稱(外文):Manipulation of Electrical Double Layer Overlap In Ionic Membrane For Salinity Gradient Power Generation
指導教授(外文):Tseng,Fan Gang
口試委員(外文):Wei,Pei Kuen
Chueh, Yu Lun
外文關鍵詞:salinity power generationelectrical-double-layer (EDL)anodic aluminum membrane (AAO)
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實驗使用市售AAO(Anodic Aluminum Oxide, AAO)膜於薄膜表面上改質,使用濺鍍機(Sputter) 濺鍍一層金屬鋁膜後作為導電層,再用原子層沉積系統(Atomic Layer Deposition, ALD)沉積高介電常數二氧化鉿(HfO2)作為介電層,藉由施加電壓於金屬層使介電層表面累積電荷至於溶液中產生電雙層現象,控制施加電壓可使電雙層可以在10奈米孔徑下疊合,此設計相比於滲透膜(Pressure-Retarded Osmosis, PRO)及逆透析(Reverse Electrodialysis, RED),薄膜孔徑大約五到十倍,實驗結果顯示在電雙層疊合情況下,薄膜電阻值比未疊合低3.2~7.1倍,此外可由施加負電壓於薄膜上使二氧化鉿表面帶負電荷,與陽極氧化鋁表面帶正電荷相異,形成文獻11中的複合膜結構,抑制離子濃度極化現象(Ions Concentration Polarization )的影響效果,實驗結果在複合結構情況下電阻值低了9.27倍,提升離子滲透率,實際測試在濃差環境下其發電量為0.012 W/m2,效率為12%,提出了一種新的離子交換薄膜可應用於濃度差能發電。
This paper proposes to manipulate the thickness of the electro-double-layer (EDL) inside the anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) nanochannels as an ionic diode membrane to select uni-ions as through electrical static charges.
By applying enough bias on membrane, EDL can overlap and block counter ion outside the channel in 10nm holes, which is 2~10 times larger than the membrane of Pressure-Retarded Osmosis or Reverse Electrodialysis. The resistance of EDL overlapped is 3.2~7.1 lower than non-overlapped. Besides, by applying negative bias on membrane can induce negative charges on HfO2 surface, which is opposite to the AAO surface in the electrolyte to form a heterojunction interface. Based on the reference [11], this heterojunction interface between two different charge layers can suppresses the ions concentration polarization (ICP) effect and enhances the rectification ratio. The resistance of the membrane with this heterojunction interface is 9.27 lowers than the membrane without it. Finally, proving by experiment, this membrane can be used in salinity power generation, which is considering as a great potential, renewable energy.
摘要 i
Abstract iii
致謝 iv
總目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2濃差發電發展 2
1.3研究動機 4
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1鹽能差發電 (Salinity Gradient Power, SGP) 5
2.2 壓力遲滯滲透膜法 (Pressure-Retarded Osmosis, PRO) 6
2.3 逆電析法 (Reverse Electrodialysis, RED) 9
2.4離子交換膜 (Ion-Exchange Membrane) 11
2.4.1 市售離子交換膜 11
2.4.2 膜電阻 (Electrical Resistance ) 14
2.4.3 離子選擇滲透性 (Permselectivity ) 16
2.4.5其他 17
2.5離子濃度極化現象(ions Concentration Polarization) 18
第三章 實驗原理、儀器與藥品 23
3.1 電雙層原理 23
3.2 實驗架設 28
3.2.1 陽極氧化鋁膜(Anodic Aluminium Oxide, AAO) 28
3.2.2 濺鍍機 ( Sputtering ) 30
3.2.3 原子層沉積(Atomic Layer Deposition, ALD) 32
3.2.4 高介電材料 (High K material) 35
3.2.5 電化學量測系統架設 35
第四章 實驗流程 38
4.1陽極氧化鋁薄膜表面改質 38
4.1.1 沉積金屬導電層 38
4.1.2 沉積介電層 39
4.2 模具設計與組裝 43
4.3 實驗原理 44
第五章 結果與討論 46
5.1濾膜洩漏電流測試 46
5.2 不同孔徑大小 47
5.3 不同電壓 49
5.3.1正、負電壓於薄膜 49
5.3.2不同電壓於薄膜 51
5.3.3 市售薄膜比較 53
5.4 濃差發電 55
5.4.1 斷路電壓、短路電流量測 55
5.4.2 發電能量密度 57
第六章 結論 59
6.1濾膜製備 59
6.2 薄膜測試 59
6.3 濃差發電測試 59
第七章 未來工作 60
第八章 參考文獻 62
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